I am glad to say that 2022 has been good for me, both personally and professionally. Once again, I’m truly grateful to everyone who has lifted me up this year. While I always prefer words, I have to admit this is the one time of the year that I actually like doing a little math.
5,000+ • Rough number of my memoir purchased in paperback & ebook. Honestly, I’ve lost count.
86 – Amazon reviews. (If you’ve read my book & have not yet left a review, it would be a gift to me if you’d write one!)
98 – Audiobook downloads
13,229 – Combined followers on all social media outlets
3,658 – People on my mailing list
350 – Unique pieces of artwork created* this year
949 – Unique sales
12 – Private commissions
121 – Formal ZOOM Conversations with People Experiencing Psychiatric Medication Issues • This number may seem small, but over the last 5 years, I’ve had over many hundreds of conversations with people who have been injured by psych drugs. Tens of thousands identify as being personally injured by SSRIs, benzodiazepines & antipsychotic medications. I continue to offer emotional support to people coming thru prescription psychotropic harm, and I will continue to pull back the curtain to reveal what’s actually happening on this front. It’s my mission to spread awareness and to help grow a radical movement of holistic health consciousness. To the individuals with whom I have spoken in 2022, thank you for sharing your stories with me.
45 – In-person art classes taught
39 – ZOOM art classes taught • Classes resume March 1, 2023. Click HERE if you’d like to learn more.
32 – Memoir classes taught
4 – Interviews • Thanks to August McLaughlin at GirlBoner Radio; Jack & Linda Mazur from Once Shattered Podcast, the folks at Lake Affect Magazine; and Natalie Kucko from CBS Local News for the opportunities to share my story with your listeners. To see them all, click HERE.

19 – Best selling image: FOUR-LEGGED LOVE
19 – Shows/Festivals • It was a pleasure to have a robust in-person festival season again! This year I showed at: The Powerhouse (Buffalo), Fairport Canal Days, Lavender Festival, Corn Hill Festival, Sharkey’s, Themata, Jack Craft, Long Acre Farm, Lucky Flea, Purple Painted Lady Festival, Naples Grape Festival, Rochester Museum & Science Center, Plowshares Craft Festival (Syracuse), Radio Social, & Balsam Bagels. I also did my End-of-Year Liquidation Sale virtually via ZOOM.
I’ll be Announcing the Winner of my End of Year Free Art Bundle Giveaway on 12/25/2022 at 1:11PM on Facebook. Anyone who purchased anything from me in 2022 is automatically entered to win & additional entries were added when people joined my mailing list, liked, shared or commented on certain posts.
So far there are 994 entries… but there’s still time to enter! Simply go to and order something. I can guarantee it’s NOT going to get there by Christmas, but you’ll be entered to win right up until 12/25 at 1:10PM EST.
Feel like supporting your friendly neighborhood artist? In 2023, I’m looking to purchase:
- Liquitex Paint ($225 for 60 tubes)
- A Vat of Molding Paste ($30)
- Many Canvases ($600)
- Large sheets of 1/4″ wood panel for a brand new, super secret project ($30 each)
Feel free to send a donation in any amount to me via Venmo at @rasjacobson or via Paypal . And I’m saying thank you in advance as I truly appreciate each & every gift.
Ask and you shall receive, right?
Which accomplishments are you proud of this year? What are your numbers? Am I the only weirdo who keeps track of things like this?
I’m impressed! Great numbers! I hope you double the ones you want to double in 2023!