=== WooCommerce Product Navigation === Contributors: wpbackoffice Tags: woocommerce, products, next product, previous product, navigation, Donate Link: http://wpbackoffice.com/plugins/woocommerce-product-navigation/ Requires at least: 2.3 Tested up to: 3.91 Stable tag: 1.0.0 License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Easily enable users to navigate from one product to the next with our next / previous product buttons. Simply activate the plugin and you're done! Then visit the settings page to upload custom images, change the position and format text. == Description == Provide your users with a simply way to navigate through your products. WooCommerce Product Navigation provides 'Next Product' and 'Previous Product' links to your WooCommerce product page. Your buttons can be custom images, custom text or the name of the products. With the settings page you adjust the position of the links around your entire product page. Even add a custom css class! Features: * Display buttons anywhere on the page with admin settings * Buttons can be custom images, text or product names * Add a custom css class * Custom Shortcode for displaying in content * Woocommerce +2.0 compatible * Shortcode : do_shortcode( '[product_navigation]' ); Developers Use the folling code on your product page to manually insert the buttons. [Plugin's Official Documentation and Support Page](http://www.wpbackoffice.com/plugins/woocommerce-product-navigation) == Installation == Automatic WordPress Installation 1. Log-in to your WordPress Site 2. Under the plugin sidebar tab, click ‘Add New’ 3. Search for ‘WooCommerce Product Navigation' 4. Install and Activate the Plugin 5. Adjust your settings under WooCommerce -> Product Navigaiton (in your sidebar) 6. Enjoy! Manual Installation 1. Download the latest version of the plugin from WooCommerce Product Navigation WordPress page. 2. Uncompress the file 3. Upload the uncompressed directory to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ via FTP 4. Active the plugin from your wordpress backend ‘Plugins -> Installed Plugins’ 5. Adjust your settings under WooCommerce -> Product Navigation (in your sidebar) 6. Enjoy! == Upgrade Notice == == Changelog == = 1.0.0 = * Initial Commit == Screenshots == 1. The black arrows are the custom images uploaded on the settings page. 1. Adjust where your navigation buttons will display and what it will look like.