Hair & Fashion

What I Wore – A Furry Hat

Hats: you either love ’em or hate ’em. My husband will put on a scully to shovel the driveway, but he’d never consider wearing one into his office during the light of day. And the closest my 15 year-old son will come to a hat is a hoodie.

Me? I love hats, and I think I actually look better with a hat than without.

The hat featured is one of my favorites. I actually bought this “LIFE IS GOOD” hat for my son when he was in 5th grade. I thought the fluffy ear flaps would look adorable on him and keep him super cozy on freezing winter morning when he had to wait for the bus. I was sure he’d love the huge smiley face on the back. Alas, my boy never took to this hat, so I started wearing it. It’s probably a little too small, but I love it anyway.

Photo on 12-19-14 at 10.40 AM

On this particular day, I also tried wearing a very bright lipstick and while it looked great in the tube, I don’t think I’m able to pull off such a bright shade. It’s good to try new things once in a while though, right?

What kind of fashion risks have you taken recently?

21 thoughts on “What I Wore – A Furry Hat

  1. I work in a school, as you know, and I always (attempt) to look professional. Today is pajama day and I got them on! It is really not me but as I type this I am at my desk sporting flannel pj’s and Sylvester slippers. I’m comfortable on the outside but on the inside this feels really weird…

  2. That hat is too small? Is that a leading statement? Is your brain big? 😉

    I love hats too! From one hatter to another, you look great in hats Renee! AND you have a fantastic sense of hatter-fashion! What sort of fashion risk have I taken lately? Let’s just say that I’m not too concerned about what others think about my hatter-fashion, or fashion in general to be honest! Does that makes me intriguingly unique like you? 😛

    1. Professor Taboo, thank you for your encouraging words. They feel wonderful and I’m grateful to have you as a cyber friend. It was also wonderful to connect with you via telephone. I’ve met so many wonderful bloggers in this way. I think it’s great that you don’t worry about what others think about your fashion! I tend to buy what i like, but over the years, I feel I’ve lost a little bit of my edge. Time to find it. 🙂

  3. Love these hats! My boys wore them when they were small:). They’re adorable. Fashion risk. Hmmm . . . trying to lose another 15 lbs. before I get risky. Copout?

  4. You know Renee, I have never been a hat person. But I must say, you really rock it! Live it up and have some fun girl! ????

  5. I love hats too! Infact I have one ,my daughter gave me, and I wear it in the coldest of winter. I treasure it.

    1. We’re always our own worst critics. I’m hard on myself. When I wrote the post, I thought the lipstick looked positively garish, but now — with a little distance from it — I can appreciate that it’s not so terribly bad. I might even try wearing it again. Stay warm, girl! 🙂

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