The State of Undress Project: A Longterm Art Endeavor

Some of you know me as an artist; others of you know me as a writer or a teacher or a professional organizer. However, you know me, I’m guessing you’ve heard about how I’m healing from damage to my central nervous system caused by Klonopin, a medication prescribed to me by my doctor.
I’ve come a long way, but I still struggle with my executive planning function, a part of my brain function, which has been damaged during my traumatic withdrawal.
Once a mover and a shaker, I now experience nerve pain that has forced me to slow down.
Despite my daily challenges, I’m still here.
After a 3-year hiatus from the formal classroom, this summer I’m teaching a memoir class once a week, and…
I’ve found a way to unify my passion for combining words and art in an effort to inspire others.
I’m calling my latest endeavor The State of Undress Project, which — when complete — will feature 18 paintings of women of every age, color, and social class.
To be part of this project, women must be able to articulate an invisible obstacle they have overcome (or that they are actively working on) and be willing to frame this challenge as a strength. They must be willing to pose in some state of undress – lingerie or bathing suit, or slip (of their choosing) — and have their likeness painted as an impressionistic piece of art.
I’ve completed 6 paintings so far, 2 are in progress, and…
…I’m looking for 10 more female volunteers.
Posing semi-clothed requires immense vulnerability, bravery, and trust. Please know, I believe that every woman’s body is beautiful, and I can promise that I will turn your photograph into a fabulous piece of art.
If you’re interested (or if you know of someone who might be interested), please compose a paragraph in which you explain your story to me and send it to: rasjacobson.ny@gmail.com by August 15, 2016. I’ll contact you we can talk about my timeline and the next step.
If you’d like to monitor my progress on Facebook, you can find me at: https://www.facebook.com/rasjacobsonart/
Would you ever consider posing in a state of undress? Why or why not?
tweet me @rasjacobson
Love you, kiddo. Keep plugging.
Thank you, David. As always, your support means the world to me. It looks like I don’t have any followers anymore, but people are connecting with me via private message. It’s hard to believe how many people have been harmed by prescription medication. I guess I’m just crazy enough to want to talk about it.
I’m so excited about this project. It’s blending all the things I love to do!
Sounds wonderful to me. Good Luck on all your undertakings.
Thanks Mom. For always being there for me. And for always giving me words of encouragement.
You always know to ask the tough questions, don’t you. I’m sure there’s a set of circumstances under which I’d pose with less than the standard amounts and shapes of fabric covering my body, but for the life of me, I can’t think of what those would be, and that’s the naked truth.
Hahahaha. Hi Brian. You always crack me up. Thank you for taking a moment to respond to my question. I’ve received about 10 people expressing interest in being part of this project — which is awesome! Maybe after I master the female form, I’ll move on to studying men. If so, I’ll see if you might be interested in posing for me in standard amounts and shapes of fabric. 🙂
RENEE. I volunteer. I have my unseen struggles, of which one you can choose.
Hi Carol.
Send me that paragraph. Tell me about your invisible obstacles, the things that people can’t see. Once I receive your paragraph, I’ll come photograph you. This will feel scary. But my goal is to pair writing with the art. And I know you’re going to look beautiful. Because you are beautiful.
RENEE. I volunteer. I have my unseen struggles, of which one you can choose.
Hi Carol.
Send me that paragraph. Tell me about your invisible obstacles, the things that people can’t see. Once I receive your paragraph, I’ll come photograph you. This will feel scary. But my goal is to pair writing with the art. And I know you’re going to look beautiful. Because you are beautiful.
I wish I had seen this sooner!
Sign me up, I will send you something if all the slots haven’t filled up. I love you are doing this. I also love the painting included in this one. <3 <3 <3
I wish I had seen this sooner!
Sign me up, I will send you something if all the slots haven’t filled up. I love you are doing this. I also love the painting included in this one. <3 <3 <3