TechSupport Answers, Part Tres
This is the final installment in a series of answers that my 13-year old son has provided to all the faboo readers & bloggers who responded to my request to give him the gift of questions for his 13th birthday. Because nothing screams happy birthday like the prospect of being a guest writer on your mother’s blog. I know you are all devastated. He is riveting. But he needs to go back to school. And hopefully this little exercise got him back into the mood. Either that or he’s now burned out before school has even started. Click on the links if you’s like to read Part Uno or Part Dos.

We’re jumping right in again.
I love the Big Bang Theory. Do you have a favorite character?
TS: I love Sheldon because his reactions to things make me laugh. Like how he over-reacts to everything. I also love his roommate contract Part C, Section IV. I intend to get a full copy of the agreement and use it in my real life.
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What are some of your favorite book series?
TS: I like the Gone Series, The Hunger Games, and The Maze Runner.
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What is your favorite fiction genre? What are some of your favorite movies? Do you think you’ll like playing with LEGOs your whole life, like I do? Have you been to a show on Broadway, if so, which one and did you like it?
My favorite fiction genre is science fiction. I loved the Hunger Games movie, Iron Man, Captain America, and I really want to see The Avengers. I don’t play with LEGOs very much anymore, but I have a strange urge to play with them now.
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Jay Donovan @ jaytechdad
Here’s a math problem: Using only 3′s & any operators you want to use, write a math equation that equals 100. If TechSupport wants some real homework, tell him to install VMWare Player on his computer, install Linux, and figure out how to build a web server or get his own Minecraft server running. Afterward, he can enter minion training. We can always use another minion.
TS: Hi Jay.
Here is my best attempt:
33 x 3 = 99.
99+3 = 102.
102 x 3 = 306
306 – 3 – 3 = 300
300/3=100. 😉
I didn’t use any help to figure that out.
But now I have a riddle for you.
You have 8 potatoes. You need to feed 20,000 people in a village of starving people, none of whom are willing to eat potatoes. How do you feed them?
I just got my own computer, and I am planning to host my own Minecraft server. I’ll send you the IP address, if you are interested. Are you interested?
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Coleen Patrick asked:
What was your favorite part of your bar mitzvah (and least favorite)?
TS: My favorite part was at the after party, dancing with all of my friends. My least favorite part was when I had to light invite people up to light the candles because I don’t like being alone on stage. I get nervous when I am the center of attention.
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Your mom told us about the books that you collected, organized & donated for your bar mitzvah. Do you have any other projects like that that you’d like to do or are already working on? Do you have someone you look up to when it comes to doing charitable acts (someone famous or someone you know personally)?
TS: Hi Jules. I feel like I can call you Jules because my mom talks about you all the time. Plus I know you were on the phone together when I was at fencing once, and you guys talked so long that her car battery died. I don’t have any mitzvah projects in the works right now, but I’m always involved in some sort of project.
I don’t really have someone who I look up to with regard to charitable giving. {RASJ’s note: Really dude, really?!} The book thing was natural because I love books. I started it with my own initiative. I’m sure I’ll stumble into something else at some point.
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If you had a blog, what nickname would you give your mom? And what was the single biggest thing that helped you prepare for your Bar Mitzvah?
TS: I would probably call her Super Writer. Wow, that’s pretty lame. I guess that’s why I don’t have a blog.
I think the biggest thing that helped me prepare for my bar mitzvah was starting to study for it long before I had to.
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Larisa asked:
Take one of the questions that your mom answered over at The Byronic Man’s page and answer it yourself.
I chose #13. “Which superpower would you choose if you could: the ability to fly, or to turn invisible at will?”
Neither and yet both. I would like to possess the ability to use other people’s strengths. By this I mean, I’d like to be able to think of another person or thing and utilize their abilities as my own. They wouldn’t lose their powers or anything. I would just stay looking like myself – a mild, mannered boy — but I would secretly have any power that I desired at any time I desired it. Basically, I want everyone’s power. Is that creepy?
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Rivki from Life in The Married Lane asked:
What’s the most difficult task you’ve tackled, and how did you feel about it before, during and after?
TS: If I had to say there was one challenge I had to overcome it would be my 7th grade social studies experience. My teacher was…um…he…um…let’s just say I had to do a lot of independent learning. Which meant a lot of boring textbook reading and Internet quizzes. My parents kept saying, “One day, you’ll see that this class has helped you understand how to be a better learner.”
I don’t think so.
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Diana asked:
[My son] is almost ten and dying to be a tween. He loves computers and reading and writing. Can you suggest a few books or series for him to read, and any cool web games/programs. (He’s currently into Minecraft and making videos with Adobe Aftereffects.)
TS: Have him read The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner and Gone Series. I loved all 3 of them. If you’re on a Mac, try Dimp Animator and if you’re on a PC try Pivot. They are stick figure animators that I think are pretty cool. I really want the whole CS6 Suite, but my mom says it is too expensive. {RASJ’s note: I said he has to pay for it himself.} I guess I’m stuck with freeware right now. Hey, maybe I could come live with you for a while. I mean, you have Adobe Aftereffects. So you probably have the CS6 Suite, right? That would be cool. {RASJ’s note: Oh yes. Go live with people you don’t know. Whaaat?}
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What are your favorite TV shows other than Big Bang Theory? Many geeks love animation so what are your favorite cartoons and comic books?
TS: Hi Nathan. I love MAD Magazine. It’s hilarious. When I get it, I lock myself in my room and read if from cover to cover. I also get Mac Life, but that’s not a comic book, obviously. I like a few weird TV shows like Adventure Time, which is totally wacky — but very entertaining.
I am so tired. I’m sorry you are the last person, but I have to stop now. Right now.
Here is a little bit of Adventure Time to enjoy while I am playing on my iPod resting.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. That brings Tech’s riveting answers to your questions to a close. I think this assignment took him more hours than all of his 7th grade English assignments combined. Maybe I should make a suggestion to his soon-to-be 8th grade English teacher to have the kids start blogs. Or maybe I should just shut up and stay out of things. Which do you think I’m better at? What Tech? No, I’m just kidding. No, I’m not going to contact your teacher. Sheesh, son, can’t you take a joke?
Tweet this Twit @rasjacobson
Tech, I’d be disappointed if you DIDN’T call me Jules. And I really am sorry I broke your mom’s car. And wasn’t it your actual birthday, too? Maybe I should send some more Nutella and Pop-Tarts your way.
Renee – did we seriously both mention the car on the same day on our blogs? Ha!
You’re both amazing! (And I’m with you on the social studies teacher, Tech.)
Yup, it was my birthday. The “best” gift of all was the car repair guy. he was hilarious! Seriously!
If I were still teaching English, my kids would totally have blogs. So much easier to grade than those composition book journals. Plus you totally don’t have to take carry them home and back again (six times) to grade them. Totally.
(One of the things I miss about being an English teacher is like, you know, totally talking like my kids.)
Happy new school year, Tech Support. I hope you have a good Social Studies teacher this year.
“take” or “carry” — not both.
The whole “eco-friendly” paperless blog thing is a great idea except it’s kind of like you’re saying, “Go ahead! Look at your classmates work and just reword everything they said because it’s completely available to everyone on the internet!” 🙂
You could set it up so that blogs are private. You wouldn’t be able to necessarily have to see anyone else’s stuff.
Ah, you raise an excellent point. Then again, if they’re time-stamped, maybe it would be easier to figure out who the copycats are?
Your comments in red were killing me, RASJ.
And Tech Support? GREAT answers.
(Except for the part where you have no role-model for giving – ha!)
This reminds me of the year my daughter was 10 and had to write an essay on her personal “Hero.” She wanted to write it about her cousin. Which is sweet and everything. But it’s not like her cousin had overcome obstacles or done anything super noteworthy. She was a typical 8-year-old girl.
When I suggested that maybe my daughter should pick someone in her life she could actually look up to, she said, “MOM! There’s NO ONE ELSE!”
(She later explained this was because she didn’t want to be a teacher or a writer so she COULDN’T pick me. No. I guess she wanted to be an 8-year-old.)
I wish I was an 8 year old! It would be the most fun job ever! The only problem is your pay. Salary or is it based on how intensely you play? Hmmmm…
Wow….he’s entertaining…intelligent …AND funny!! Way to go Mom! I’m sure the young lady who hooks him years down the road will thank you for doing a great job with him too!! 😉
GOSH! You forgot humble! Everyone forgets humble! Why does nobody remember humble?!
Oh, yeah! …..and humble!! Very humble!! 😉
Enjoy your day!!
Can you believe that goof? 😉
Excellent work Tech. Enjoy the last few days of summer before school starts. And use the time to see your camp friends, if they live in town. And just think, only 10 more months ’til CSL 2013!!
Yeah, “only” ten months. I do want to see my camp friends before school starts up. I gotta work fast!
Next summer, seven weeks at CSL. I can’t believe it! He’ll be going into high school! Crazy!
Great answers Tech! I was out the day your mom blogged asking us for questions, but these are wonderful!
I don’t think my son who is 22 will ever grow out of Legos. He brought them to college with him! (They are back here now after moving twice. I don’t think he wanted to lose any!)
Ahhh! Stop making me want to play with my Legos! I’m not at home so I can’t play with them!
Oh I love the idea of having kids post to a blog for their English assignment. Maybe I can talk to my kids 7th grade language arts teacher about that. He’s a good friend of mine, and might be open to it.
It’s a good idea, the only problem I can think of, assuming the teacher is ok with the idea, is that the school may not be ok with it.
The only problem is that teachers might not know how to deal with ten zillion blogs! They’d do better to set up some kind of online component to their classroom teaching. Or something. But I don’t think your school does that. My community college does, but it requires a lot of training. Still, even private blogs would be better than lugging home heavy composition notebooks.
Thanks for all the peeks inside your brain, Mr. Tech, and happy back to school! Hope this year is great.
I hope school is great too! I’m looking forward to 8th grade.
Um, I’m completely obsessed with Tech. What a smart dude. Oh my goodness–if my son answered questions that way it will be proof of a job well done (by ME). Kudos babe!
Thanks! I did have a little help from my mom, It was mostly me though.
Comma splice, dude. Oy.
Thanks for the answer to my question. I don’t like to be on stage–alone or not alone, either!
Does that rule out a stand up comedy career? Because you are very funny!
It, sadly, does destroy my dreams of being a stand up comedian. I can still do science stuff though which is my true dream, so it’s not the end of the world.
Truly enjoyed this series!!
Thanks for linking back. You are an impressive young man, TS, a well-rounded student. The roommate agreement would be a wise choice! Enjoy your new school year!
Your son handles his questions like a pro! What a neat idea, to turn the blog over to him for a few posts. Very enjoyable 🙂
Thanks TS! These are great suggestions! And if course you’re welcome to come stay with us anytime! Bring your mom and dad and we’ll have a mine craft/ wii party with crazy musi. To dance to!
Thanks for the answers Tech! Enjoy your new school year and don’t get in trouble.
I’d either use the potatoes as bait to catch animals or build a potato gun ( and start a coup.
Good guess TechSupport. You almost had it.
33*3 + 3/3
99 + 1
I wish I had time for Minecraft. My kids are all over it. They’d love to play on your server when you have it running. Good luck!
Hi Jay!
Speaking as Tech’s mom.
Um, no. Because I’m still convinced that Minecraft is what destroyed my desktop. All that spinning for all those hours. It couldn’t have helped my poor dead Mac. May he rest in peace.
Unless you tell me that isn’t possible, in which case, I stand corrected and I say: Let the children play! 😉
Love this whole series from TechSupport. He gives me hope for the next generation. 🙂 Kudos to both TechSupport and his mom!