
May 15, 2010

Words To My Students Whom I Adore

springtime classes, originally uploaded by Wolfram Burner. People generally remember a favorite teacher, but what they may not realize is that we…

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May 13, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Day: A Wee Confession

To date, I have never received a single gift from any of my community college students. Let me be clear: I do not want a candy-filled mug that with the words “#1 Teacher” stenciled on the side, nor am I secretly pining for a t-shirt that declares I am the “World’s Greatest Teacher.” I do not mean to imply that my students are unappreciative people because that is simply not the case. I would, however, like to suggest that in this age of the all-too-convenient reckless communication that comes in the form of email and texting and IMing – a short but sincere, handwritten note expressing appreciation is truly the greatest gift a student can give a teacher. Ask any teacher and I’ll bet he or she will tell you the same thing….

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