
October 13, 2010

Should Kids Be Using Cell Phones? Should Any of Us?

I knew a child who wouldn’t stop asking her mother to buy her a cell phone. Daily, this kid was working her…

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October 4, 2010

The Teenage Years: It's All in the Brain

Apparently in the last decade, a fair bit of research has been conducted to gather biological evidence as to why teenagers go a little bit haywire. Apparently, the teenage brain begins a massive shift around the pre-frontal cortex around 12-13 years of age. The pre-frontal cortex is the thinking part of the brain that allows us to consider the consequences of our actions, and that part of the brain kind of stops working as well as it had before. Parents don’t always understand the neurological changes that their children’s brains are undergoing: changes that can cause their once docile children to take big risks and make big mistakes. …

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September 20, 2010

The Secret To Finding The Best Babysitters

The best babysitters are, of course, the ones who love interacting with your children and know how to take care of them in any circumstance. But now that my son is older, I have found that the best sitters – the one’s who not only take care of his physical and emotional needs – are the ones who like to linger around after my child (and usually my husband) have gone to bed so we can discuss life. And books!…

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September 15, 2010

"Out of The Closet" by Chrissy Teague

What are you holding onto that might benefit someone else? Needs have never been greater. What better time to give than now? You may feel like you don’t have much. I understand. I’m a jobless single mother coming out of two closets. I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to give. I challenge you to do what you can. Our relatives, our friends, our neighbors need us. The quality of community is in our hands. …

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September 3, 2010

Are You Cool With Coed Sleepovers

I have been hearing more and more about kids getting together en masse for coed sleepovers. Some parents have been very positive about these group adventures in nocturnal cohabitation and insist there is little to worry about — the kids are all just friends, no one is drinking or doing drugs or hooking up, that the kids just like to “hang out together” in their jammies; sometimes they even text while sitting next to each other on the couch! For many parents, there’s no discussion about it – coed sleepovers are out of the question. For other parents whose teens who are hosting and attending these boy-girl events, it’s merely a sign of the times, a natural extension of the ever-expanding platonic relationships between the sexes. Some parents are clueless; their child simply tells them he/she is going to sleep at a friend’s house, but the parents never call to check in with the host parents, so they have no idea the event is coed.

How do you feel about group, coed sleepovers; they seem to be the new “cool” thing? Yay or nay? When would you allow your child to have someone of the opposite sex sleep at your house? Could they share a room? A bed?…

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July 23, 2010

To Read or To Unplug?

Do you let your kids completely unplug over the summer, or do you keep them reading?

If so, what books are your kids enjoying? Please include the age and gender of your child.

And for even more fun, tell me what books you enjoyed reading as a kid and what you remember liking about them….

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July 21, 2010

Let 'Em Quit or Make 'Em Play?

When I was in the third grade, I totally wanted to play the drums. But back in the 1970s, girls were not encouraged to play percussion instruments. Nay, the “banging” instruments” were reserved for the boys. I was, however, presented with a shiny, slim flute and told that if I was ever good enough that, one day, I would be able to play the piccolo. Whoop dee doo.

Years went by, and while I may have played well enough, I just never felt anything for the flute. In fact, at one point, we were robbed and I actually prayed that the robbers had taken my flute. They did not. In middle school, on band days, I used to look back at our strawberry-blond haired drummer, Kevin Eastman, with a kind of longing and wish I was the one be doing the boom-tap, boom-boom tap thing. …

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June 29, 2010

Lessons in Losing Things

I said to my boy: “And just so you know, assuming you live a long time – and I hope you do – you are going to lose stuff. A lot. It happens. I lose things all the time. I write notes to myself on slips of paper and they disappear. I don’t know where they go. I lose bills and receipts. Bottom line is, you have to know that you are going to lose shit, and you have to know it’s not worth losing your shit when you lose something.”

He giggled.

“What?” I asked.

“You said the ‘s-word’ a lot.”

He’s 10….

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June 28, 2010

The Perils and Delights of Raw Meat

My immediate family knows I am a carnivore. To this day, I have a taste for raw, red meat, and I totally gross out my husband. People delight in telling me that I am going to get E.coli or trichinosis or salmonella or staphylococcus or some other creepy bacteria that I can’t see or smell.

I can’t even disagree with the people who tell me this. I know that E. coli 0157:H7 are like super-bacteria and have managed to mutate so that they survive refrigeration and freezer temperatures and, once in food, they can multiply quickly. People tell me I am being stupid and stubborn, and if I would only agree to cooking my meat just a little more, the bacteria would be killed….

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June 25, 2010

When Should You Give You Child a Cell Phone?

At what age is it appropriate to give a child a cell phone, and what are the responsibilities and expectations that come along with having one? Do you get the least expensive “pay as you go” plan? Include text? Or go full-blown Internet access? …

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