Candle 8: #Hanukkah Hoopla
Well, it’s the last night, and Monica Gebell of Aprons and Blazers writes about “Light.” Ahhhhh. Comments are closed here, but leave Monica…
Candle 7: #Hanukkah Hoopla
This year, Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr writes about “Attunement.” Comments are closed here, but leave comments at The Messy Life for a chance…
Candle 5: #Hanukkah Hoopla
Ever wonder what it’s like to celebrate Hanukkah? Read Tikva Kennedy’s piece “Hanukkah Without a Christmas Tree.” Good stuff! Comments are closed…
Short on Decor, Long on Miracles: #Hanukkah
What appeals to me most about Hanukkah is the idea that miracles can be found in every day moments, how big and small things that seem impossible can come to pass….
Candle 3 of #Hanukkah Hoopla
Miriam of Bubby’s Joys and Oys broke her ankle, and found herself writing about it a lot. Today, Miriam takes a break from recounting…
Candle 1 of #Hanukkah Hooplah
Please visit The Culture Mom’s blog and read Holly’s stunning post, “Hanukkah Hoopla Story.” If you’ve ever had a difficult time as a parent, you’ll appreciate Holly’s honesty…
Time For #Hanukkah Hoopla 2015!
The last time I wrote about Hanukkah was waaaay back in 2011. That was soooo long ago! No wonder I found myself thinking: I…
Candle 8: #HanukkahHoopla
Tonight marks the eighth night of Hanukkah, the grand finale to our #HanukkahHoopla experience! …
Candle 7: #HanukkahHoopla
Tonight is the seventh night of #HanukkahHoopla!…
Candle 6: #HanukkahHoopla
Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate! May the significance of this day be special for you and your families. And if you find you have a moment, please read these two special blogs for a little more #HanukkahHoopla….