End of the Month MashUp of Hotness: October 2012
I know. I know. It’s been a while since I’ve done a mash-up. But big stuff has been going on, people. See…
Sucked Into Sleazy Halloween Costumes
On Halloween 1999, a mere two months after my son was born, hubby and I decided to go with a “family theme” — you know, because I was about 50 pounds heavier than I was accustomed to weighing. It seemed like a good idea at the time….
Ninja Princess Needs Tiara
I recently wrote about my thing about Halloween and slutty Halloween costumes. I wasn’t even going to do anything this year. But it’s 2 PM, and the Annual Neighborhood Halloween Parade starts in a few hours. And I have to be something. And it’s cold out. Really cold. So, thinking practically, I started with my ski mask. Add a pink mask, a tutu from ye olde costume bin, and one of Monkey’s old swords.
I’m a Ninja Princess.
All I need is a tiara….
Sucked Into Slutty Halloween Costumes
For those of you who don’t know me (and for those of you who do, before I am accused of being a total hypocrite), I have to confess, I’m kind of known for displaying my inner slut on Halloween. Hubby and I like to throw costume parties every few years and I have been a naughty teacher (typecast?), a St. Pauli Girl, a French Maid, a slutty pirate girl. Once I wore a really short toga. A. Really. Short. Toga. …