So You’re Trying to Get to Cleveland for New Years Eve and The Thruway Closes & You’ve Got to Pee
This is a true story of a pregnant woman who had to pee. I am that woman….
Acquaintance is not a Dirty Word: A #LessonLearned by Nina Badzin
Nina Badzin is at my place today talking about different kinds of friendships….
Back in 1985
In my last post, I wrote about my nephew, Alec, and how he delivered the commencement speech at his high school graduation. As I sat waiting inside the local college field house, miles away from the actual school my nephew attended, I couldn’t help but think about my own graduation back in 1985….
Prom Gen iY: Same Thing, Just Better Dresses
Recently, my family was chomping on chunks of bread at Outback Steakhouse, a place we often go after I announce that I didn’t make it to the grocery store. As I sat in my old jeans, the thick, pine doors parted and in paraded boys wearing tuxedos with cummerbunds flanked by girls in fancy dresses with sparkles and sequins. I was bedazzled and instantly transported back to the mid-1980s. To my own school formals….
Posts That Shimmy & Shake: Abby Has Issues, Paul Waters & Kristen Lamb
This is the fun part of the show where I get to tell you about some great reads that you might have missed this week. As usual, I try to get one from the chicks and one from the dudes. This week, I even have one from “The Queen.”…
And Since We Are Talking About Pencils…
My friend Carl D’Agostino and I often find that we have Vulcan mind-melds. This week while I was tapping away about how much my Monkey loves his Ticonderogas, Carl simultaneously posted a pencil related comic on his blog, “I Know I Made You Smile.” …
In Praise of the Pencil
A few weeks back, Monkey came home in a tizzy. “I’m out of pencils again,” he announced. Nonplussed, I told him there were under three weeks of school left and that I was pretty sure he could make-do with his nubs until June 20. He started at me with contempt. “Are you serious?” he questioned. “I have exams! I need pencils! Ticonderogas. Now!”…
Class Pictures: The Aftermath
Yesterday for School Photo Day, I wrote about how I was voted “Class Flirt” my Senior year in high school. A few hours after my pictures went live, Monsieur Flirt contacted me. …
Lessons From School Picture Day
It’s School Picture Week on the Blogosphere. A bunch of us have coughed up some old pictures and stories to go along with them. Check out what I did to my senior picture and find out what Senior Superlative I got in high school….
Guest Post by Abby Fendler: In Memory of Ronnie
Today’s guest post is by Abby Fendler, a former student at Metairie Park Country Day School. Earlier this week, Ronnie Frazier, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, unexpectedly passed away, shocking the entire MPCDS community. While Ronnie wasn’t officially a teacher, he sure did mentor a lot of people. That man touched lives….