Yesterday at 7 am, I posted a blog about a sign in my local grocery store that has been driving me bonkers for years.
By late morning, I received an email from a representative from Consumer Affairs.
While the rest of us were chattering about the sign and its grammar, one of my loyal readers — a former Wegmans’ employee — made a call, and the sign was promptly removed.
Last night at 8:25 pm, another loyal reader sent me this picture — along with an apology about the quality. She explained she was operating in stealth mode. 😀

I felt I had to let everyone know the happy ending to this very big news story.
Mary Joan from Consumer Affairs wrote:
Bob Farr was more than happy to take down that offensive sign. And I have to tell you that reading your blog . . . and the subsequent comments from your readers was quite enjoyable. You made my morning!
Further proof that Wegmans positively rocks: Here is a company that received a little constructive criticism, and instead of getting defensive (typical) or just brushing it off and ignoring it (also typical), they got proactive, making this English teacher, blogger, and loyal customer soooooo happy.
So the new sign is up.
All grammatical errors have been corrected.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everything in the world could be fixed so quickly?
I’m feeling empowered. Positively zippy.
So what should I take on today? I’m taking ideas.
This is why we love Wegmans. I have never laughed so hard. You made my morning! Now when I go in today for my DAILY visit, do I say something to Bob like “nice sign”….. smile and wink???
DEFINITELY comment on the sign! 😉
Rina, please do. Then he will think YOU are the crazy housewife! 😉
I am vindicated! I knew they would take care of this…it’s exactly the kind of thing Wegmans is good at. That and making turkey subs that I eat for three days.
And they’re even better on day three! Am I lying?
I’m impressed! Now, why don’t we have these stores down here?
Where is down here? Maybe I can get on that. You know, now that I have so much influence at Weggies. 😉
I wondered if somebody would make contact and how quickly it would be corrected. I knew it would be fast. I love Wegmans and CANNOT WAIT for the stores in Massachusetts to open! Huzzah!
You “rock” Renee!!! Can you please tackle the over inflated gas prices in central New York, next? You are quickly becoming my hero.
Gas prices. On it.
How do you “revise” a grammatical error? Do you revise a semi colon into a question mark when it should be a period? You don’t revise errors. You correct them.
Did you hear a retired teacher recently found 137 grammatical and spelling errors in the Miami Herald? That was in one issue — not the whole week! Most blatant was ending the sentence with a preposition.
How many times have I said to myself, ” I must cut this out and send it to Jay Leno for his Headlines segment?” My favorite of all time was the ad from a Syracuse bakery that advertised, “Get your Passover challah here!”
Please, I have seen ads for Passover ham! (Not at Wegmans, of course.)
That’s awesome! I also saw a copy of an ad for Passover hams on sale! Oy!
Adelante chica! Look at the power a charismatic blogger holds. I probably would’ve ended up with a libel suit and wilted lettuce.
Dude, your lettuce is sooooo firm Wegmans would buy it in bulk. 😀
One turkey sub, please. Hold the lettuce.
Hah – well done. Today Wegmans – tomorrow the world.
Responsiveness is always good.