Calling in all the positive feminine energy for our July 2025 Creativity Circle!
This month, we will circle up & talk about being in the Flow with What is. Then, we will head into the studio for a guided activity in which we’ll create a neurographic watercolor, an intuitive form of art that involves mindfulness & intentionality. The goal of this session is NOT to create a masterpiece. The goal is to enjoy the process & to learn something about yourself. Everything you need for this project will be provided.
WHEN: Friday, July 18, 2025 from 7-9 PM
WHERE: In my studio at 78 New Tudor Road, Pittsford, NY
COST: Space is limited to the first 9 women to RSVP!
Light snacks will be provided.
Come meet some new Sisters.
Add 3 or more Women’s Creativity Circle Classes to your cart & the price drops to $25 per class. Save $2 per class!
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