I’ve had issues with my spine that date all the way back to 2010, when I decided to try to lift a ridiculously heavy full-sized Weber gas grill out of the back of my car — and after blowing out discs at L3 and L4 last month, well, that level of pain literally brought me to my knees.
I’ve known for some time that moving those cumbersome fifty-pound concrete weights into and out of my car before and after art festivals had been aggravating my previous condition, but we’re never ready when that day comes and our body says “Lady, why aren’t you listening to me? I’ve had enough!”
(FYI: My back speaks to me in complete sentences and with an accusatory tone.)
It’s hard to express how much beautiful support I received. For three weeks, people brought me food & medicine & flowers, ran errands for me, gave me rides to various doctors’ appointments, and helped to keep my spirits up by providing me with company while I writhed around, unable to find any comfortable position. I am truly grateful for all the locals who showed up to help me, and I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who sent words of encouragement via emails, texts, phone calls & cards. Those kinds of gestures mean a lot when you are in pain & feeling isolated.
On Day 25, after the cortisone injection kicked in and I was finally able to stop sleeping on the floor, I decided to celebrate with a little retail therapy. I’ve had the same bedding for over 5 years (don’t judge me), and I’ve been meaning to get something new for a while.
While I was laid up, I let my fingers do the walking and I found this cute Laura Ashley set on Amazon.
It’s the perfect weight, not too heavy and not too light. I don’t know if you can see it or not, but amongst the patterned patchwork squares there are also a few squares which feature coral & seashells & starfish, all in varying shades of blue. I love it.
Oh, and I got these sheets, too.
I thought I’d share this little bit of happiness with you – while simultaneously reminding you to be careful with your body. Y’know maybe stop lifting that thing that we all know is waaaaaay too heavy for you but you keep lifting it anyway.
As we move into September, I’m sending you all warm wishes for good health & peace of mind.
And also, I’d love to know:
What’s the most impulsive thing you’ve ever purchased online?
DISCLOSURE: I am part of the Amazon Affiliates Program, and I receive a little credit from every purchase made thru one of my links. I am grateful to you for helping me in this way!