Ninja Princess Needs Tiara

See? I told you? I can’t help it! I recently wrote about my thing about Halloween and slutty Halloween costumes. I wasn’t even going to do anything this year. But it’s 2 PM, and the Annual Neighborhood Halloween Parade starts in a few hours. And I have to be something. But it’s cold out. Really cold. So, thinking practically, I started with my ski mask, added a pink wig, a tutu from ye olde costume bin, and one of Monkey’s old swords.
I’m a Ninja Princess.
All I need is a tiara.
I’ve got an APB out for one right now, but it’s getting late!
Anyone have a tiara I can borrow?
I knew you couldn’t resist! Bahahahaha!
The costume bin was calling to me! 😉
I’m so proud. Sorry, I can’t help. Maybe if I had girls…..
I know. Lots of swords, but not a tiara in the house!
AWESOME…I would so like to borrow this idea for next year…I will be scouring the clearance bins tomorrow! Hope you had a great time.
Never did get the tiara. But I bet they are 90% off tomorrow!
If you see one, grab it and add it to the bin. You will need someday!
So sorry I ddin’t see this post until this morning. :o( I have a tiara (two girls), and, of course, you could have borrowed it! We have lots of girly dress-up clothes. I love your costume! I may also have to borrow that idea for next year, and really mortify my teenager! We even have a pink wig like yours!
Under armor and a ski mask serve as a great base for any costume. Count on me to provide your sword. 😉
I once knew a ninja princess. We were engaged to be married, but alas it wasn’t to be. Her father had…
Sorry, ever since “My name is Ishmael” I like to try out various first lines and see if a novel suddenly comes out.