It’s My 1,101st Day in The Blogosphere
Some of you may have missed that it was my blogoversary on Monday.
You know because it was buried under my Lilly Pulitzer handbag giveaway.
So yeah. I’m two days into my 4th year in the blogosphere.
And I wanted to thank everyone again for sticking with me through thick and thin.
And I wanted to share some random information.
The very first cyber-friend I made was Carl D’agostino, a fantastic cartoonist and writer who writes at I Know I Made You Smile. From time to time, Carl and I send each other emails and he recently sent me this:
Carl knows my son used to have a thing for Ticonderoga pencils. I should probably report that Tech has graduated to mechanical pencils. We should have expected this, of course. I’ll worry when I see he’s ordered a pocket protector from
It happened on March 7, 2011. I got 3,42o visits to my blog when I wrote about How I Tricked My Book Club Into Writing. Yeah. I know, right? Whatever that was about? I’d like that to happen again. You know, like, everyday.
intimidacion escolar. I had to Google that, but then I realized people were looking for information about bullying. In Spanish. They may have been looking for THIS or THIS or THIS.
i want to quit the flute. Yeah, so did I. Also, I think my mother is still pretty pissed about that. That said, I think these folks landed on Let ‘Em Quit or Make ‘Em Play, which is something we struggled with at one point.
teacher on her period. Yeah. That happened, Not to me! Omigosh! No no no! But to one of my teachers. It was ugly. You can read about it HERE.
meat truck scams. For those of you who have been here for a while, you know I have done some wicked stupid things. But this was really dumb. Yes, I did, in fact, purchase meat from a meat truck. And it was not at all delicious. But I’m pretty sure that Nigerian Prince stuff is legit, and I’m expecting that guy to pay me back any day now.
kitajska abeceda. I have no clue. Sorry, person. You’re on your own.
The Post That Receives The Most On-going Spam
You wrote an amazing post (“Dear Diary: I Hate You”) where you cited stuff directly from your middle school diary. Apparently, you made so many references to now outdated items, every wholesaler and retailer wants to help you. They want you to buy their clothes, handbags, and wrinkle creams. Mostly, I think they’re concerned that you’ve still got that big comb hanging out of your back pocket. This is probably the most offensive outstanding piece of SPAM that I’ve ever received. Ever. Seriously, you HAVE to click on it.
I’m holding onto this stuff for you, Dar. Let me know if you’d like me to forward the hundreds of pieces of SPAM that have come my way since you posted that doozie. How much do I want to make out with my Askimet SPAM filter right now?
I would like to thank the other talented writers who have posted in this year’s #SoWrong Series so far. They have set the bar pretty dang high. And I’m so grateful they’ve chosen to participate. Yeah, I’m talking to you Dan, Tori, Jules, Pegoleg, and — get psyched — because Misty from Misty’s Laws is going to be here on Friday! Her piece: “To Bra or Not To Bra?” Divine.
The Regulars
Certain people show up regularly to say hello. And I need to thank them. Because there’s actually something reassuring about seeing those familiar avatars.
Bless every one of you for making this blog so much fun for me over the last 3 years. I’ve said it before, but your comments really are like chocolates, and me likes the chocolates. Please know that I LOVE to read your words. You don’t have to agree with me (only my husband has to do that!), but never be afraid to leave a comment. I know a bunch of you prefer to lurk. That’s cool, too.
Did you know that Instagram is my new lover? It’s true. If you’d like to follow me there, please do.
Also, you have until Friday at noon to try to win that cool Lilly Pulitzer handbag. And, no, you don’t have to have girl parts to enter. Guys, be proactive. Win this handbag and that special someone in your life will love you forever! Or what do I care? Use it yourself!
tweet me @rasjacobson
Instagram and I broke up … BUT … happy 1,101st day in the blogosphere!
Hi Naomi! I started to thank my Twitter friends and you were waaaaay up there on my list. And then I realized that was going to be a disaster because I was definitely going to leave someone out. Anyway, you KNOW that you are one of my favorite expats *wink wink* and I hope to get to meet you this summer!
Greetings from Miami. Thanks for the shout out. Yes , since we can’t erase our miztakees, I’ve switched to black roller ball pen. Even if it was not my miztakee they’ll credit me anyway.
Hi Carl! Thank you for the gift! I’m excited for you to finish your uber-super secret project so I can blab about it here!
Congrats – 1101 has to mean something in binary! I remember the pencil post and so many more. Thank you for writing. Have a great day!
Hi Clay! Look at your new avatar! Whoo hoo! I’d better come over and check you out! (If you know what I mean.)
Thanks for the shout-out. I love you, Renée! Happy Anniversary! And may you keep on blogging for many, many more posts! Congratulations!
Oh Maire. You know that I so look forward to your words. And I’m so glad I know where to find you now. I may not always comment (so hard on my phone!), but I am reading!
I love your posts. And I appreciate your stopping by my site.
Congratulations, Renee! Life has been getting in the way of my blogging so I missed your Monday giveaway. I am happy to hear that I have until Friday! It’s been great getting to know you here! 🙂
brickhousechick! You know I’m dying to know your real name, right? Like it kind of kills me that you are this amazing woman whose blog I read, but I don’t know your name. We’re going to have to work on this intimacy thing. That said, yes yes yes! There is still time to enter the Lilly giveaway! You can do as much or as little as you’d like! So nice getting to know you. But seriously, woman. I’m right with you on that road to 50. We’re going to be great. You know, or not. 😉
Since we both have frizzy hair, I do feel ready to reveal my real name to you. I don’t do this very often…never on the first date, but we’ve had several blog dates now. Here it goes: Maria! There, I did it! 🙂
Maria! I was getting ready to send you an email begging you to tell me your name. I like to know people by their real names, even if they don’t want them used on the blog! It’s sooooooo nice to meet you. I’ll be singing all day! “Maria! I just met a girl called Maria…”
I’ll bet you’ve never heard that one before. 😉
Hee,hee. I do hear that song often, but I like it. My husband always sings the Carlos Santana, Maria Maria song to me. This reminds me of a blog post I’ve been wanting to do! Thanks! 🙂
Thanks to you, I have revealed my first name to the blogging world. Check out my latest blog where I thank you for inspiring me. 🙂
Got your stuff — Maria! I’m so enjoying getting to know you! You have mad talent! I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it here in the blogosphere. Social media question: Can you consider linking your Twitter handle to your blog: BrickHouseMaria (or something like that). It’s hard to find you right now! And you want people to be able to tag you when they tweet you, you know? Just a suggestion.
Congrats Renee on your Blogoversary! You know I lurk; I love reading your posts. Thanks for making me smile, laugh, & cry. Mostly for making me feel connected. My favorite post of all time is “Lessons From Eight Junes” -maybe it’s my love for all things domestic, but the clothes bumping around together in the dryer gets me everytime. Cheers (with Canada Dry Ginger Ale;)
Pam! I think that is my all time favorite post, too. And you know what? I meant to do it with every month — and I forgot. I do that A LOT. Seriously. You have no idea I have these great ideas and then I write them down (or even make notes on my phone) and then I forget. Thank you for lurking, which isn’t at all creepy since I know you in real life! Kisses to everyone!
CONGRATULATIONS!! You inspire me to keep going. And, you always make me smile. Yep, you’re a keeper, so keep going!
Hi darlin’! Wow! We haven’t chatted in a while, huh? I hope you are doing well. I’m ploughing away. Because that’s the way I roll. Or something like that. Bopping over now to see what you’ve been up to.
wow-into your fourth year–that is impressive–I will not be like Tad–I will be faithful for always–congratulations–glad I found you!
I love reading your stuff, too. In fact, I JUST came from your place! So funny! Now I feel all this pressure to say the right words in response to your comment. Should I be serious or sexy or try to be funny or meek or shy or what? Oy. Thanks for not being like *Tad. That guy killed me. 😉
I know–when you read something like what I wrote–then you overthink — your comments are always perfect–you have no worries there
I feel the same about you. Let’s not start to overthink this now. We have a good thing. 😉
What a FABULOUS blogoversary (+ 2 days!) post! Love!
(Happy 4 years, friend! That’s a big milestone!!)
Hi Galit! I have to tell you. I don’t know how you do it. You are EVERYWHERE these days! Moonfrye,, your own place, etc. I’m stunned by the way your tentacles have reached out and out and out. (Okay, that tentacle thing sounds negative — but you know what I mean.) I’m in awe of you, and I’d love to understand more about how you have made these connections. I feel like I’m missing some crucial networking piece. I’m definitely flailing in that area a little bit. Maybe we can chat? You know in all your free time? When you don’t have the kids around and you aren’t writing? Thank you so much for stopping by! Please know that even if I don’t always comment (some of those interfaces are a pain in the butt!), I am reading! And we TOTALLY made your Earth Day Cupcakes! 😉 And I still have your post on the jewelry flagged, since the glass pendant my son bought me smashed into smithereens. Thank you for stopping by!
For a long time, the number 1 Google query that brought people to my blog was “mound of dirt.” That phrase actually appears deep within one of my posts, and unbelievably for a couple years it was the #1 hit on Google for that phrase.
Happy 4!
Isn’t stuff like that crazy. My #1 hit is still “head lice.” Or anything that has to do with head lice. I wrote a post back in 2010 about my irrational fear or getting head lice, and that post still gets me at least 100 hits each day. It continues to astound me. Will you send me the link to your “mound of dirt” post? I feel like I should read it.
I hope you like abandoned roads.
Hi Jim! Thanks for sharing that. I’m guessing road trips with you are anything but direct. But I’ll be they are filled with adventures! And dirt! 😉
Aw, happy blog anniversary! We love you lots! I just got lots of views because I made a craft from a pizza pan. Silly as it sounds, a pizza pan made me popular! Keep up the great blogging!
Are you on Twitter? I LOVE that project, and I would TOTALLY tweet it, but I can’t figure out your handle, if you have one. Will you let me know if you do? That really is a great project!
Unfortunately, I am not on FB or Twitter. Please share this project with others, as it is a great craft! The post is listed under “Crafts” category on my blog.
Happy 4 years! gives me something to strive for!
Holy smokes! Congrats on 4 years!
It’s really 3 years. I’m just going into my 4th year. I think I confused people. What else is new? 😉
Ha ha, now you have to read my garbage, you promised! Congrats on your longevity, and again, as always, I’m so so sorry about your womb.
I don’t stop by often, but you asked so nicely, I couldn’t resist! 🙂
Yeah, I’m pretty much an ass. I admit it. I got so carried away trying to think about whether or not I should enter or do anything to get that bag, wondering if I would even use it or even if it would be fair, since you are already giving me a grand gift of letting me guest post on your fab site. All of that is to say, that I completely forgot to wish you a fantabulous spectacular most wonderful of wonderful HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Four years is amazeballs and I am so proud of you for writing this fab blog for so long! You are a true talent and a crazy, wacky, wonderful lady. Can’t wait to read your eventual best seller!!
Ok, so . . . am I forgiven? 😉
No pressure, but if this guest post on Friday sucks, I’m unfollowing both of you. On all 14 social media things I follow you on. All of them!
Oh, well as long as there’s no pressure! That’s kinda like when someone starts off with, “No offense, but…” and what follows is ALWAYS offensive. :p
And really Don, that just sounds like an awful lot of work. All of that unfollowing and such. Methinks it would just be easier to suffer through the mediocrity in perpetuity….
Good point. Embracing mediocrity is right up my alley. Of course now you’ve set your bar at offering at least mediocre, so good luck with that.
Happy four years, my darling! Your writing gets better and better – always a joy to come here, sit awhile, laugh, cry, comment….love you!
Congratulations! Not to you, no… to the blogosphere. For being lucky enough to have you in it for the last 1,101 days. (see how I did that? See?)
You are a super talented woman, Miss Renz, and I’m delighted to call you a bloggy friend.
Happy Blogoversary Renee! Sometimes I lurk and sometimes I post but I always enjoy your blogs. I have to confess that I like reading your comments to people’s comments almost as much as I like to read your posts. Is that wrong?! I hope not… 🙂
ROFL Seriously, you’re saving the spam for her? Happy belated Blogoversary, Renee. May you continue to live life to the fullest (and then tell us about it) for years to come.
Happy, Happy Blogoversary, Renee! You’ve been a role model who turned into a friend, and I’ll stalk — I mean follow you forever!
Congratulations on another stellar year in the blogosphere, Renee! You are my blogging idol on so many levels. You make me laugh (snort even), cry, ponder…A few of my fav posts: 1) Giving advise on summer camp for your son; 2) Finding your son’s lost teeth; and 3) Somebody That I Used to Know…there really are so many posts I loved, Renee. It takes a blend of craziness and courage to write from your heart for the world to read, observe and respond. Thank you. “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” ― Brené Brown
Congrats on your fourth year! Or are you just starting your fourth year? if so, I’m right behind you. My 3rd blogoversary is this July. Look at all you’ve accomplished in a short time, Renee. You should feel proud.
And I am thrilled my post was your number one spam-magnet. Why am I not surprised? My posts always attract the riffraff….it’s a curse.
That’s some awesomely quality spam your writing generated there, Darlypants. YOU should feel proud, as well as Ms. Renzzzzzzzz.
Congrats on your blogoversary, Renee! You know I have always enjoyed reading your posts! And thanks for all the advice and assistance you’ve offered as I learned the ropes with my own blog 🙂
I thought I commented pretty regularly. I know you’re one of my most frequent commenters. Anyhow, may the next three be as good for you as the first three.
I love this blog and I love you, Renee! Happy 4th blogoversary! Someday, when I get to actually meet you, we will have a party with balloons and ginger ale and noisemakers and wigs and nail art. It will be spectacular.
Happy Blogiversary! Wow, 1,101 days. I just barely passed my first blogiversary. Kudos to you! Love reading what you write.
Psh. Four years is nothin’. I’ve spent more time in the pizza buffet restaurant (I was trespassed, but that’s beside the point). I think the traditional anniversary gift for this year is actually a puffy sleeping-bag coat.
So, there’s that.
You so rock. You’re one of my favorite white girls, Renee, right up there with Ke$ha, Laura Linney and Dana Perino.
That’s a very…eclectic…list.
I’m the tie that binds them, really.
Oh my goodness- congrats! FOUR years! I hope to have as hopping as a blog as yours when I hit the four year (that would be Nov 2014!) Seriously, it gives me hope and encouragement to know you’ve been doing this four years. It really shows as you have such a fabulous readership and a voice and persona that we all love.
By the way, that picture of you and your mother as well as the post were just perfection.
Love your blog, congrats on such longevity!! Looking forward to many more posts. 🙂
Sorry to get to the party soooooo late!!! I was at “appointments,” and had to rest. Glad this day is over!!!
Happy blogoversary to youuuuuuuuu!! **Muah** You were one of my first blogging friends. I met you through Clay Morgan’s blog!
Thanks so much for the inclusion. 🙂 I hope you have 1101 more!
You are spectacular, to stick it out and continue to be funny, inspiring and well, just you. I am in awe.
Congrats on four years.
Congrats Renee on your Blogoversary. I enjoy all your posts. I hope you write forever and ever and ever.
Wow! I want to be as cool as you when I grow up. 🙂 Congrats again on your blogoversary! You are such a blast. Can’t wait to meet you!
Even at blogging, I’m older than you. Third anniversary was January 27, 2013; I gave myself some flowers, had a little champagne, but was frankly too tired for anything else.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy belated blogoversary, Renee! I still remember reading your blog for the first time, after (I believe) Gene Lempp brought us together. I was so impressed by your spunk, wit and creativity, and still am. Lots o’ love!
Congrats on your blogoversary, Renee! Love reading your posts–they make me laugh, cry, and always make me think on things–you have it all. I will always be grateful for your help as you kindly tried to drag me into the 21st century. Thanks, friend, and keep it comin’! 🙂
So in dog years this blog would be…holy cow Batgirl! This makes your blog wise beyond its years. I always sit up and bark when you blog… *tail wagging*