Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, Louie C.K., Matt Lauer, Donald Trump. . .
We, women, have been too quiet for too long, laughing when we should have been shouting. We dismissed inappropriate behavior and in doing so, we inadvertently allowed it. Now we see how important it is to confront bad behavior.
And the only way to make change is to speak up.
I’ve done it before, and I’m doing it again now.
Because it’s important.
In 1985, a man I cared about forced me to have sex.
It was not consensual.
“He wouldn’t stop when I asked him to stop,” I told my friends.
But no one knew what to say.
My own mother told me I’d “asked” for it.
Here’s what I needed to hear: That is terrible! It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. He was only thinking of himself. You’re not alone. You’re going to be okay. What do you need? How can I help you?
The entire trajectory of my life was altered by that single event.
I wish I could say that that night was the only incidence in which I was encouraged to dismiss inappropriate behavior of the men around me.
But it was not.
We live in a culture that has allowed men to behave badly.
We have tolerated discrimination, assault, rape.
We are seeing it now, how our silence has protected our perpetrators.
Being “nice” has not served us well.
Yesterday, a friend suggested I create a piece of art that says “ME TOO” on it. Inspired, I shared the idea with another friend and together we collaborated to create this image.
Because we’re all in this together.
There’s one helluva planetary correction happening, people.
Change is coming.
Keep sharing your stories.
People are finally listening.
If you’d like to pre-order a 12×18 print for $10 + S&H, leave a comment or message me at rasjacobson.ny@gmail.com.
If you relate to this post, please type ME TOO in the comments.
Thank you for leaving a comment.I’m sorry you have experienced this, too.
What a gorgeous work of art, Renee! Amen to sharing our stories. I’m so sorry that happened to you, and in awe of your heart.
Thank you, August, for leaving a comment. I know you’ve had your fair share of “men behaving badly” stories. We sisters have to stick together.
Please count me in for two prints. I’m shopping on your website for some other gifts as well!
Thank you for sharing yourself and your awesome artistic expressions!!
Liz, I’m so glad to see you here! Thank you for your continued support. Did you receive my email?
Being nice, kills. To hell with being nice or polite.
Agreed. I’m soooo over being “good.”
#MeToo and I am placing my order – will Square up with you tomorrow at 1st Friday.
Thank you for your continued support, Rachel. See you tonight, I hope.
Renée, keep speaking out and sharing your thoughts in your beautiful art! #brave #smart #talented
Hi Patricia, thank you so much for your continued support! We sisters have to stick together, y’know?
Keep speaking out, we must fight. #theresistance
Hi Beth.
i think I was born a whistleblower. It hasn’t always made me popular, but I can’t sit and watch it. It’s a civil right’s issue. Thank you for your comment.
When I was only 10 years old, I encountered my first sexual encounter which left me terrified. I went to the home of my girlfriend thinking she was there. Her father answered the door, told me to come in at which time I realized we were alone. He immediately took out his penis to which I began crying…where upon he came over to the couch where I was sitting, put me on his lap and had me stroke it. I screamed, the phone rang, and it was my girlfriend calling to say she was ready to be picked up. My angels were watching over me! I mentioned this to another friend who said she had the same experience. Together, we went to the principal and were told if we didn’t have a witness. we would be expelled for telling stories. Furthermore, when my mother was told, she blamed me for going somewhere I didn’t belong!
Omigoodness Joanne! That is terrible. I wish I could say that times have changed, but – unfortunately – we are seeing that our institutions continue to protect the perpetrators among us. People wonder why Americans suffer so much depression and anxiety: i think we are starting to learn that cumulative damage occurs whenever people are made to feel they should be ashamed for actions over which they had no control.
PS: In a weird way, you are lucky to have had a friend corroborate your story, even if you only had each other, at least you knew you were not alone in your experience.