LOVE inspires art
I’ve received plenty of positive feedback regarding my art work over the last few months. What started off as a distraction – something to help me get through the days while I was in physical and emotional pain – has turned into a wee business. It’s hard for me to accept the idea that it’s okay to make money doing something I like to do, probably because I’ve always had to work ridiculously hard for the few dollars I’ve made. I think I feel a little guilty when receiving money for my canvases because I genuinely enjoy making them.
But that’s a blessing, right? To genuinely feel passionate about one’s work?!
As I heal, I see now how LOVE is the most important thing we can offer others in this life.
A heart connection.
When one operates from a place of LOVE, all of our connections are enriched.
As a way of giving back, each Monday from now until the 2015, I’ll be offering one 4″x4″ mini-canvas. For just $20, everyone can afford to have an original piece of art. (If you live in the United States, I’ll waive shipping & handling fees.)

If you’re interested in purchasing this piece, email me at or, if you prefer, type SOLD in the comments. I’ll contact you as soon as possible, and you can have LOVE in just a few days.
Interested in customizing a piece? Drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do.
If you’d like to see other things I’ve done, check out Rasjacobson Originals on Facebook.
Thank you so much for sticking with me, y’all. Your comments mean the world.
What’s something you do that you would feel strange accepting payment for?
tweet me at @rasjacobson
You’re on the right track!! I’m so happy for you. 🙂 Please don’t feel guilty for taking joy in your creations – that’s what tells me you’re on the right path. I do a lot of writing and marketing for an artist friend who has her own gallery, and she’s so joyful when she paints. It’s inspirational, and I wish you the same joy in sharing your work. 🙂
Hi DMS! Thank you for your positive words. It’s been difficult moving from writing to art. I feel like I’ve kind of lost my community a bit. And then I realize that’s silly – we’re all artists doing our thing on this planet. We can still be friends. Isn’t it weird how we can be so hard on ourselves? I look at my stuff and think: “Well, anyone can do this. It’s no big whoop.” And then I realize not everyone can do what I do. And I can’t do what others do and we all need each other. 🙂
Hahahaha! how funny! I’ll email you now, Lainie! 🙂
Awesome Renee! So proud of you, lady!
Hi Kristal! Thank you for being here for me! xo
I love these inspiring words about love.
Thanks Mom.
Beautiful work!
Hi Diane! Thanks for taking a moment to say hi. I really appreciate it. Hope you are well.
Hooray for LOVE! And hooray for healing!
Hey darlin’! Im thinking of you today. Congrats on the new Lisha Writes” thang. I suppose you’ll always be a Lucky Mom, but it’s definitely time to shake your own tail feathers, right?
I will be in touch! I love your artwork, Renee! I was just on the hunt for some fun gifts for a few people I’m doing random acts of kindness for and this would be lovely! Keep up the beautiful life!
Hi Jess. I just read a bunch of your most recent blog posts. So glad to be reading again. I have to take it slow, but yes yes yes! I’d love to help you with your random acts of kindness. Are you doing that with August? I just saw that she’s got that #Friday Sparkle thing going on. I’m definitely going to participate in that, even if i don’t take photos or post about it. I think you practice that nearly every day you are on the planet! You’re such a giving person! 🙂
Aww, thanks Renee. You make me smile. I am always the most joyful when gifts are unexpected and just because someone was thinking about you or acts out of altruism, so I like to pay that forward when possible. No, my gifting isn’t linked with August’s Sparkle Friday, but I hope to participate in that too now that I’ve seen it. This was a facebook thing that went around and I had a few people sign up, so I’ve been on the lookout for what I can get them. I will check out site link tomorrow, Tonight I MUST NaNo. Soooo behind. 🙁 Tomorrow, I SHOP!! LOL
Miss you friend! Sending good vibes your way. Keep on keeping on, beautiful, talented, spectacular YOU!
Happy NanoWrimo-ing. i know you’ll do it! SO proud of you for setting this goal again this year. I’m healing. I really am. Thank goodness. And thank you for sticking with me, Jess. You have no idea.
Hi Renee! I’m always glad to see a post from you. I love your canvases! So cute and cheery! To answer your question about something I feel strange about accepting money for, I’m going to have to go the obviously silly route and say sex! (Of course, I’m totally joking) Glad to see you feeling better! 🙂
Hahahaha! That actually made me laugh out loud. Really! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. 🙂
SOLD – I would love to get one for Lanie for Christmas! Her room is hot pink and black and you know her…what word do you think describes her? (I’d love to hear your answer then I’ll share how we all answered that!)
Hi Cindy! A word for Lanie. How about ZING or PEP or CHEER or JOY? those are the words I associate with her. Or COOKIES. Hahahaha. I’ll email you so we can discuss details! Sounds like fun to do something special for people I like so much.
You’re living the dream, Renee. Getting paid for something you love is the ultimate goal. And after everything you’ve been through, there is nobody more deserving than you! So happy for your continued healing and happiness. Love you!
Misty! Hey mama! How are you doing? And yes, I realize i’m living the dream. I think I’m having a hard time believing that if it feels good, it must be wrong. How warped is THAT? Hopping over to your place to see what you’ve been up to. Thank you so much for sticking with me. Oh and what color is the baby’s bedroom? Just curious. Ahem.
Not much going on over at my place lately, so it won’t take you long to catch up!
Ha! Well, since it’s merely for your curiosity….sage green, brown & light tan with a jungle animal theme. 😉
Jungle theme, eh? So you’ve got a khaki thing going’ on, huh? Got it. 🙂
Hi, Renee! So great so see your post. How wonderful that your therapeutic work creates such beauty and joy for others! And this is DEFINITELY not something that “anyone” can do. I couldn’t paint my way out of a paper bag. I was wondering…would you consider doing a card collection of your work? Maybe a set of 16 cards and envelopes (blank inside), with pics of 4 of your favorite pieces (4 of each type). I still use stationery – even in this digital age – to write thank you notes and “hello” kind of notes, and that would be perfect for me! Hugs, and best wishes for continued healing! xo
KB: Tell me how you are! I see that your Concordia books are doing well. I can’t believe how prolific you’ve been. So proud of you!
Thank you so much for continuing to be here for me. This healing stuff is truly humbling. I’m positively overwhelmed that anyone is reading my blog anymore. Wow. Who says cyber friends aren’t real friends? To your question, I actually do have some greeting cards (6 designs) which people really seemed to like, but they are nearly gone at this point. I’m going to ask my son to help me to turn a few other newer designs into cards today. Like you, I still use stationery and I love buying pretty cards. I’ll email you pictures of the cards I have left, and if you like them, I’ll send them to you STAT; if they don’t appeal, you might have to wait until I crank out the new cards. And nothing happens too quickly these days. I live in slow motion. But I needed to slow down. Yes, I did.
Oh and just so you know… I wore the fingerless gloves that you made for me yesterday and received tons on compliments. I absolutely love them and I love knowing they came from you, sweet KB. You are truly a generous soul.
Ooh! *squeal* So glad you like the fingerless gloves. I wanted you to have as much comfort as you could possibly get, and I love how soft that yarn is. I made a pair for my middle son, and he wears them all the time.
I’m doing okay, and I *think* the books are starting to gain traction! I had just published book #3 and was zipping along on book #4 last month when a family crisis (extended family) has stopped me cold. Not much writing going on with me right now, unfortunately. I hope that will soon change. (I’ll message you later about what’s going on).
So, so glad to see you are recovering and taking good care of yourself. Go as slowly as you need to, honey. You’ll get there. Hugs.
I’m sorry to hear that there has been a family emergency. So not fun, but I suppose, part of life. Looking forward to hearing from you later. Do you still have my phone number? It might be nice to catch up over the phone! I’m around today because I figured I’d help Tech zip around town since there’s no school. What was I thinking? The boy is so happy sitting in front of his computer.
An excellent (money-making) hobby of love Renee! I have a custom project in mind. Let me ponder it a bit and I’ll let you know via email.
Blog more too! 😉
Professor Taboo! Wow! Thank you so much for showing up! Seeing you here – after all this time – is positively humbling. I would LOVE to know what you’ve been up to lately. And I’d love to hear about the project about which you are pondering. How is your mom? Have you been out dancing? Can’t wait to hear from you via email. 🙂
This post and your continued progress AND your success doing something you love is filling me with JOY!
I’m going to email you because I want to order a bunch of 4×4 canvases (like 20!) but I don’t know what kind of inventory you have — especially during this time of year with the holidays coming.
Love you and am SO proud of and happy for you.
Julie C. Gardner! Thank you so much for that huge vote of confidence. I’m flattered that you would like to order 20 canvases! Wow! Who knew? I’m having a pit of a panic moment because I soooooo like to please people, and it’s really hard for me to say no. Not too long ago, a bride requested that I make 100 individual canvases. I couldn’t do it. It was simply too much pressure to so many. But twenty canvases feels sorta manageable. Soooo… I won’t say yes or no until I hear/read what it is that you’re looking for. And yes, I have can do one that says JOY on it! 🙂 xoxoxo
You’re absolutely right about love, Renee. What else could make a Christian and a Jew feel comfortable with each other and with each other’s words?
Hi David. Thank you for staying in my life. More than ever, these days, I’m thinking of the role of G-d in my life. He really does heal. It’s remarkable. I hope you are well.
You are so talented! I’m interested in customizing a piece for my BlogFest (in Feb.), pending your interest and availability. I’ll be in touch!
Hi August. I’d like to personalize something for you. And I’m relieved to hear you don’t need it by Christmas! Will you drop me a line and let me know what you’re thinking? I definitely require a fair amount of lead time these days. I’m not complaining, but I don’t want to turn my stress-reliever into a stressor! Thank you for your vote of confidence. PS: just read your piece on sex addiction. Good stuff. Your content never gets old.
This is so awesome! SOLD!!
Hi Nina! First of all, congratulations on 4 years of blogging! ((Insert applause.)) as far as this canvas goes, technically it has sold… But if the person doesn’t pay by the end of today, I can sell it to you – if you’re really interested. Let me know what you think. xo
Even though I am late reading, this one just made me so happy! With me being so up in the air right this minute, I think I will wait on pieces of art. That you are making them though, feeling passionate about it; this makes me joyful for you.
Renee, that’s amazing to hear! If you can get paid doing what you like, that’s living the dream 🙂