Class Pictures: The Aftermath

Yesterday for School Photo Day, I wrote about how I was voted “Class Flirt” my Senior year in high school.
A few hours after my pictures went live, Monsieur Flirt contacted me.
Actually, that is not exactly true.
Earlier that morning, I put out a call on Facebook asking friends to help me track him down.
It didn’t take long.
He responded to my blog – at first a little defensively – and we ended up privately emailing back and forth all day.
Short little emails.
He’s still funny.
And charming.
And he told me I’m funny.
(No duh!)
Somehow he forgot to mention that I am hot.
I don’t know how that happened.
Anyway, during our correspondence, Monsieur Flirt requested that I post an updated picture of him today. I guess even PMo got a little trapped behind the burden of those Senior Superlatives. Like me, he has grown up. He’s a man. A responsible and doting father with a job: a mortgage, bills. He is the same but different.
And he would like to show the world how he has morphed.
So you saw him in 1985; here he is in a photo taken in 2010.
Twenty-five years later.

At the end of our day of emails, PMo tapped out a quick last note:
Always fun bonding with you…
And I thought.
PMo and I will always have that high school bond, a shared history where he was the studly-stud in the leather bomber jacket and I was the boobless babe in the short, red cheerleader skirt.
Thanks for being such a good sport, PMo.
If Photo Dude were taking our picture today, I’m sure he’d get a better shot. We would unlikely turn our backs to each other, and we would definitely smile.
In fact, I’ll make sure to get that picture at our 30th reunion in 2015.
Anyone else have any “Morning After” School Photo Day stories? Or am I just the lucky one?
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Well, he’s a real cutie. I was too tired to post too many comments yesterday, but you’re a real cutie, too! 🙂
Thank you, Sprinkles. I know I can always count on you to start my day off right. You are part of an essential breakfast. 😉
Love it! We just had our 30 year hs reunion (yeah, I’m THAT old) last November, and it was a lot of that sort of feeling – “wow, we’ve really grown up, haven’t we?” The things that were so all-important in high school don’t apply in the real world of grown-ups.
Hi K.B.:
Yes, our 20th was a lot of fun. I was on the planning committee, and I helped to find a lot of the people who were missing. That was an amazing process for me and, in some ways, I felt the reunion happened before the reunion – as I got to reconnect on a deeper level on the telephone than was possible in the room thronging with people.
And, for the record, PMo was there. We were totally pleasant to each other. 😉
Well dang but he’s still cute! 🙂 What a nice end to yesterday’s story. Having fun browsing other people’s pics from back in the day.
Everyone’s stories and pictures are so good. I love the blogosphere. 😉
Still Hot after 25 years 🙂
Me or him. I’m going with me. 😉
Yes, of course, YOU! 🙂
Just got an e-mail from him this morning! Can’t wait to get home(sitting @ the doctor’s office with my daughter) and write him back! So, glad to have a handsome picture to go along with it! Life is funny isn’t it, how people float in and out of it, people you never thought even noticed you but come to find out they did?
Life is cool like that! 😉
How adorable is he. But not quite as adorable as you. Close, though. So glad something important (!) came out of School Photo Day.
I had my kindergarten picture on my desk at work. Several students hovered. One colleague thought it was Vivian. One colleague thought I had dark circles under my eyes, even at age five.
You are too funny! Dark circles? She sounds crotchety. (I said “crotch” – kinda.) Maybe you are just an old soul; did you ever think of that? Huh? 😉
In case everyone forgets to mention it?
You two are BOTH hot.
Thank you, Julie.
FYI: I just tried on a pair of shorts, and I can tell you I am decidedly not hot. Pasty, flabby, blubbery, in need of a run. These are words that would better describe the situation.
But you know I’m not going running, right? So it had better warm up because this momma needs to walk very, very fast. 😉
How FUN!
You mean my Saturday Summer Screwball Video Contest? Are you going to enter? Because, as of right now, if you do, you will totally win. 100% guaranteed. Maybe I need to emphasize that I have a really good prize. 😉
Enjoyed the two-parter. Plaudits to PMo indeed for being such a good sport. It’s good to be able to follow a story and find out what happened. I wonder how life went for people from my past, but I’m sometimes apprehensive about finding out.
May this inspire you to reach out.
But probably not the way I did. 😉
Love your ‘happy ending’ tale! (Ahem.)
But nope… no morning after the day before stories here… Unless you count a karaoke hangover from last night’s party where I belted out Katy Perry’s ‘Firework’ with some pals, cooed a ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ duet with a friend’s husband and grooved to my signature solo song – Prince’s ‘Kiss’ all in one fantastic party. Come to think of it – shamre there wasn’t a video camera running as it could have made a good Saturday Summer Screwball video.
Oh. My. Gosh. You would have totally won. Can you do it all again? I love Prince. 😉
Unless something happens, I’m dancing again this Saturday.
Is that what you want?
Is it?
When you say he forgot to mention you were hot, did you try and remind him? Something tells me you sent another email asking if there was anything he forgot to mention.
Alas, you know me so well, Greatsby. I hammered him with emails all day until he finally cracked and used the words “still smokin'”. He might have just been talking about cigarettes though. 😉
Oh, he’s really cute. We have something in common, girl – I was voted “Floor Flirt” in my dorm in college. I also took the honors for “Floor Puker.” I think that pretty much sums up those four years of my life.
Glad things worked out okay with PMo…he aged pretty well! I’m still in touch with some of my high school classmates via Facebook…the 32 years since high school has been hard on some of them (not that I look just the same either, but at least I’m not too wrinkly!).