Contrary to popular belief, I do more than just eat, sleep and make art.
I’m in the throes of a kitchen renovation right now; hopefully, it’ll be done within the next decade.
Because I have an artistic sensibility, it’s been hard for me to narrow down my preferences. I can appreciate super rustic looks featuring a lot of dark wood as well as sleek contemporary styles bordering on sterile.
In the midst of this project, I had the chance to go on vacation with my son over his spring break. We traveled to Treasure Island, Florida where I literally sat on the beach painting mermaids for a week.

Now I am back home, trying to avoid making difficult decisions about stupid things like countertops and drawer pulls.
Here is what my kitchen used to look like:
Just kidding.
Here is what it looks like as of today.
I have no appliances, so if anyone wants to invite me over to dinner, I’m available.
I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
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Good luck, Renee. You can do it.
Hi David! Thank you so much for your vote of confidence. This is NOTHING compared to what I’ve been thru. In fact, I’m finding the process entirely enjoyable! Stay tuned for final photos sometime in May.
Ugh, I have been through a kitchen renovation. Not fun… BUT the end result is pretty fabulous when you have all those new shiny appliances and all the stuff just the way you want it. Hang onto that thought!
It’ll definitely be worth it in the end. I have to admit, it hasn’t been awful because I have very fastidious people working for me. They clean up every day and I trust them implicitly. Not everyone has that kind of experience. The only thing that’s hanging me up is the kitchen hardware. If I had thought about that beforehand, I might have made an entirely different decision about the cabinetry! It’s going to be great no matter what.
I love it, Renee! The white cabs look great– it’s going to be awesome. Have fun w/the renovation, friend!
Hi Erm. It definitely feels like I’m making the kitchen mine. Good practice for when I FINALLY retire to Florida and have to do everything all over again! xoxo
Renee, I share your pain. We’ve been working on our powder room for months due to its size and options we’re presented with. You know you are welcome for dinner anytime.
Hi Carol! Omigoodness! Are you STILL working on that powder room? My kitchen should be finished by the end of May. I was slow about making some of the decision, but it’ll be so great when it’s finished. Can’t wait to have YOU over! xoxo
OH man…kitchen renos give me chest pain. We did ours a few years ago and we had to live in our basement. We actually carried the reno into our living room and had knocked out a wall to open the space up. That carried the project into the summer months. EEK! So I totally get what you mean about the time — But it’s looking good so far. I really love your art! I wish that I could paint like that! I can scrapbook but I mean…ripping and cutting paper…that’s about as artsy as I get!
Your response made me laugh. Everything has been going swimmingly…until today. I learned that my countertops can’t be installed for another month! I’ve been without a sink for a month already and I have to admit, taking my meals out hasn’t be the worst thing… but this delay? This just blows. It’ll be worth it though, right? In the end? Thank you, also, for the kind words about my artwork. If you ever need anything go to! 😉 Happy to send you some fun stuff for girlfriends/daughters/sisters!
We haven’t done any big renovations yet since we purchased this home on July, but I kind of wish we could rip out our cabinets and start over. I love how your kitchen is turning out and am sure it will be gorgeous when it’s all said and done!
EVerything had been going along swimmingly until today…when I learned that I will be having a MONTH delay with the installation of the countertops – which means no sink for another month. Waaaaaaaah! It’ll be worty it when it’s done though. Right? Right? It’ll be worth it? Congrats on your new home, too. Have you shared photos?
I can’t believe the transformation in your kitchen! Nice work! I’ve done some minor projects in my former home, but nothing this big!
Having taken on a few of these projects I can only say, inspiration is the best way of getting to the finish line. Have fun, that is also my other mantra. I love the mermaid by the way.
We used to sit and eat on the stairs while the kitchen was being done.
You’re welcome for tea at mine if you’re in the neighb ourhood.