It’s Mardi Gras & MyNewFavoriteDay!
There are TWO awesome things about today.
First of all it’s Mardi Gras, y’all.
When I was in New Orleans with Lisha Fink (The Lucky Mom) a few weeks ago, I made it to a bunch of small parades, and — yes — I lugged home thirty-five pounds of beads. Why are you looking at me like that? Those things are like gold. Do you see that one I’m wearing with the purple heart? Yeah. That’s a really good one. And the baseball beads my husband snagged? Also, outstanding.
There is definitely a hierarchy when it comes to Mardi Gras beads. I don’t wear just any old plastic beads. They have to be long and chunky. They have to shine. Does this sound crazy to you? I know. It kind of is. The thing is this: everything is topsy-turvy during Mardi Gras. Especially when it is a little dark outside and you find yourself jumping up and down in front of slightly scary looking masked people, begging them to throw you a little something.
As far as I’m concerned, I came home victorious.
{My fancy crap currently resides in a yellow bag in the basement.}

And you know what else is awesome about today?
I’m at Shannon Pruitt’s blog “It’sMyNewFavoriteDay!”
I met Shannon at a Super Secret Underground Facebook Blogging Society.
She has a huge Facebook presence — which is incredible, and I can’t believe she even noticed me!
Shannon’s goal at her place is to have people recognize the most precious moments in their lives so that moments don’t pass us by so we can appreciate all we have in each day. You should totally follow her at @newfavoriteday.
But for now click HERE and check out the fun interview she did with me.
Do I sound like a dorkus or what? Tell me at Shannon’s place.
Tweet this Twit @rasjacobson
6 thoughts on “It’s Mardi Gras & MyNewFavoriteDay!”
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I might have to print out that picture and frame it. You should use it as the centerpiece for the bar mitzvah. Tech Support will LOVE it!
Throwing you some big red beads.
What a great pic! Looks like you guys got a ton of bead love!
Throwing you some mysterious beads. I am not sure where they came from. You want want to rinse them off. 😉
I’m closing comments here, so people will go over to Shannon’s. I’ll respond to your comments on anything over there.
I’ll even toss you some beads with each response.