On Wednesdays, I post a photograph on social media and ask my followers to contribute a line of poetry inspired by the photo. Later, I attempt to cobble together a cohesive piece of writing from as many of these suggestions as I can. If you’d like to get into the fun, follow me on my Rasjacobson Art Facebook Page.
This week’s piece is partially inspired by a photograph of two pairs of sneakers. One pair of sneakers is mine and the other actually belongs to my friend’s daughter, but after a disappointing real life conversation I experienced a few days ago, it was easy enough to use our beat-up shoes as a metaphor for a relationship coming undone.
In the end, I borrowed 7 suggested lines from followers.
in light of current events
i asked him,
‘if push comes to shove
do you have my back?’
(because, in truth, that’s
all any of us wants to know)
would be easy, like releasing doves
with laurel branches firmly
lodged in their beaks –
a simple ‘yes’ and the flood
would recede,
i heard his whiskey hesitation,
the way his eyes darted to his feet
and he could not answer
caught, off-guard
by yet another downpour, i see
he is an unsafe haven
his silence, twisted & strangled
the meaning dark as crow’s feathers.
“let’s play sports,” he says, “let’s kayak
to the huckleberries, fish
for marvelous fish, watch Netflix
and chill.”
Across the room, by the door,
space grows between our
sneakered feet, side by side
in matching Converse high-tops
black tongues loosened
i see it now, our situation
dark & tangled as the laces on our shoes.
the game is over
the score is final.
what a headache i have! and injury
provokes only pity at best. to learn
friends are merely friendly, they
belong to the majority. i want to
cover my ears. “Shush!”
i want to shout, “Shush!
i cannot yet hear the truth!”
throw me a bone or
toss a few black peppercorns into
my mouth for the crunch.
for what secret is left
when the parameters have
already been stated?
normally, i don’t like it when people
wear shoes inside my house, but
at least they are ready to leave
at a moment’s notice.
i’m not going to cry over this.
‘when they show us who they are
we must believe them,’
we must learn to listen
not only to what they say
but to what they don’t say
quickly enough
outside, in the unsafe streets
i can finally breathe.
I felt every word of this