Writing Life

January 30, 2012

Quick! Tell Me What To Do!

I’m working furiously on my fiction manuscript. I need an unusual name for a babysitter. Got any suggestions? Give me a name,…

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January 16, 2012

Create Your Own Super Hero Contest

El Farris is my writing partner. She kicks my butt and makes sure that I am writing. And then I kick her butt back….

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October 3, 2011

Unintentional Galloping

When I was in middle school, I took horseback riding lessons from folks who lived in a broken down old house but who took fantastic care of their horses. I was a quick study and easily learned how to get my horse to respond. I learned to give the appropriate kicks to get him to trot, to jump over logs, banks and ditches. I learned to canter, my favorite stride. After a while, I begged my instructor to teach me how to gallop. I was sure I was ready; she disagreed….

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September 19, 2011

The Hybrid Accent

I’ve spent most of my life above the Mason-Dixon line, but you would be amazed how five short years in N’awlins got all up in this East Coast girl’s upbringing and influenced my dialect!…

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August 8, 2011

When Writers Meltdown

Not too long ago, I lost it. I mean, I totally lost it. And it should be noted, the people at Best Buy tried to help me decide between the Canon and the Nikon; I just kept crying. It was one helluva performance. Except it wasn’t a performance….

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August 3, 2011

Hey! Why Is It So Quiet in Here?

Every day, more people are visiting my site. Which is totally excellent. And I am grateful to everyone who comes to check me out. But here is what I’m pondering: Why do so few people who read my blog actually leave comments?…

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July 31, 2011

I'm Lying About How We Met

To celebrate my 200th post the other day, I told people that if they commented, I would create a new post explaining how we met. Of course, I explained, all the content would be a lie. (Especially since I don’t know most of the people who post on my blog.) So here it is: a piece of writing to include each one of you who was brave enough to leave a comment. I hope you enjoy this brief moment where I veered off-course — away from parenting and education — and went straight to fiction….

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July 22, 2011

A Twit Learns To Tweet

Way back on Monday, April 25, 2011 at precisely 8:07 AM, I emailed Clay Morgan from EduClaytion.com. He and I had established an “easy, breezy, beautiful” rapport; we’d talked on the phone a few times, and for a while, we were on the same cyber-page. But suddenly, Clay had a Twitter Icon on his page. And I didn’t….

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July 10, 2011

So About That Contest

Sometimes a person gets a great idea.Like I thought my Saturday Summer Screwball Video concept was going to rock the house. But it stunk. Like the way my garbage can stinks in the summer when it gets all maggoty and stuff….

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July 7, 2011

Monkey is Blogging

Last June, in an effort to capitalize on Monkey’s innate love for all things technological, I suggested that he start a blog. After all, last May my own blog was in its infancy, and I figured we could sit side-by-side and write together. It was a romantic notion. And while last year, he wanted his blog to be secret, this year, he wants readers….

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