Writing Life
The Last of the Handwritten Letters!
The final entries in the Write-A-Letter-To-My-Son-While-He’s-At-Summer-Camp-Contest will, no doubt, tickle my boy’s funny-bone — although in profoundly different ways. The first letter…
Handwritten Letters From Naomi, Daile and Pleun
Three deliciously yummy letters arrived from exotic places last week: entries in this summer’s Write-My-Kid-a-Handwritten-Letter-While-He’s-At Overnight-Camp Contest. The first letter came from Australia…
Rivki’s Old Fashioned Letter
Y’all, I’ve forwarded another stunning letter to my son in summer camp in the “Write My Kid an Old-Fashioned Letter” Contest! This…
Cracking Writer’s Block with EMDR
As a child, I was supposed to keep my room neat. My bed needed to be made the moment I awoke each…
Misty’s Old Fashioned Letter
Y’all, another bloggy friend submitted a beautiful letter to my son in summer camp in the “Write My Kid an Old-Fashioned Letter”…
Stuart Sheldon’s Old-Fashioned Letter
Guess what, everyone? I just shipped off another letter to Tech as another bloggy friend has submitted an entry in the “Write…
When Perfectionism Gets In the Way
I’m not going to lie. I’ve been having a tough time. I’ve already deleted those two sentences twice. While I don’t have…
Where She’s From
Tomorrow, my eldest niece will graduate from high school. And in August, she’ll head off to college. Unlike her brothers who chose…
Write An Old-Fashioned Letter To My Kid At Camp
Last year, Tech went to overnight camp for a month. When he got home, he ate and slept. And then he complained…
Fabulous Followers: Featuring @Stuart_Sheldon
Not long ago it occurred to me, I have all these followers on Twitter, but who are they? I mean, I don’t…