Life Doesn’t Fit in a File Folder
a broken knee, a broken heart
Back in August, I walked 5 miles on a really uneven surface. In cowboy boots. I knew I did something dumb almost immediately since both…
Candle 6: #Hanukkah Hoopla
Check out Rebecca Klempner’s piece “Ready For a Little Hanukkah Hoopla” Comments are closed here, but leave Rebecca a comment for a chance to…
Showing My Colors To The World
Some of you are waiting to hear my next report about how I survived the horrors of benzo withdrawal. I know you’d…
Warts and Unwelcome Surprises
I was certain I’d contracted the stupid wart during my time spent barefoot on the slippery deck of the middle school swimming…
What Your Teenage Son Needs In His Closet For Fall
Shopping for clothes is fun! Said no teenage boy. Ever. Well, maybe some teenage boys like to shop, but I didn’t get…
The Last of the Handwritten Letters!
The final entries in the Write-A-Letter-To-My-Son-While-He’s-At-Summer-Camp-Contest will, no doubt, tickle my boy’s funny-bone — although in profoundly different ways. The first letter…
Handwritten Letters From Clay Watkins and Other Folks!
Guess what everyone? My mailbox has been flooded with letters from readers, so I’m bundling a few together or I’ll end up…
Handwritten Letters From Naomi, Daile and Pleun
Three deliciously yummy letters arrived from exotic places last week: entries in this summer’s Write-My-Kid-a-Handwritten-Letter-While-He’s-At Overnight-Camp Contest. The first letter came from Australia…
Rivki’s Old Fashioned Letter
Y’all, I’ve forwarded another stunning letter to my son in summer camp in the “Write My Kid an Old-Fashioned Letter” Contest! This…
Misty’s Old Fashioned Letter
Y’all, another bloggy friend submitted a beautiful letter to my son in summer camp in the “Write My Kid an Old-Fashioned Letter”…