Are You Techno-Squeamish?
I have issues when it comes to technology. Sure, my computer ate my life. But I’ve other issues, too. My friend Jill…
How Facebook Reconnected Me To My Ex-BoyFriend’s Wonky Groove
Not long ago, I received a private message on Facebook from a stranger who turned out to be one of my ex-boyfriend’s…
When a Walk in the Park is Not a Walk in the Park
“A girl from school wrote that she was going to kill herself on Facebook.” Up until then, the leaves under our feet…
Lessons From Ants: Rebuilding After The Storm
Have you ever watched ants after a storm? They don’t stand around. There are the egg-movers and the sand-shifters. Maybe there are…
To the Pretty Girl Texting in the Car Next to Me
Dear Pretty Girl: I saw you today as I sat idling at a red light. You were in the blue Prius, and…
Rebooting Myself After The Great Computer Crash: You Gotta Back That Thang Up
It’s not like there weren’t signs. There were. I just wanted Mac to make it to my son’s bar mitzvah. I promised…
When Hashtags Take You to Dark Places
I unintentionally got into a conversation with an anorexic teenager on Twitter….
Haters Gonna Hate: Twenty Months Later
The other day I got this piece of fan mail: It was written in response to a post that I wrote almost…
A Chat with my 7th Grade Android
Recently, Tech Support has become much more private. About everything. Where my 12-year old son used to willingly spill all the beans at once, now he doles them out in microscopic handfuls. …
Sex, Avoidance & Facebook: A Twist on Gratitude
Ever since he was really little, Tech Support has chosen to ask me the tough questions when we are in the car. …