Helplessly Hoping David Crosby Notices Me
Here’s hoping David Crosby gets my love letter before I see him perform on June 12, 2012. And that I don’t freak him out. …
On Sons & Thunderstorms
When my son was still wrapped up like a burrito, every time there was a thunderstorm, I carried him outside to the worn wooden bench perched on our front stoop, and, together, we sat and listened to the boomers….
The Leftover Magnets: Organization Gone Awry
We used to have the magnetic calendar featured above. Someone gave it to us when our son was around 4 years old,…
Unintentional Lessons in The Game of Life
You can learn a lot about your family when you play board games. Here’s what I learned about mine while we played The Game of Life….
Getting Lucky in N’awlins
Here are 5 Things To Make Sure of Before You Meet a Blogger In Real Life based on one cold day in New Orleans with Lisha Fink, The Lucky Mom….
Grandma’s Charms
Want a chance to win a totally cute charm bracelet? Read on!…
Things are Breaking
I know nothing is solid, but I suppose in matters of the heart I prefer illusion to reality….
I’m Sorry The US Postal System Wrecked Your Christmas
This is the letter I sent to my niece and nephew after I found out that their Christmas gifts had been lost in the mail. …
What We Are: A Hanukkah Post
When Tech Support was a l’il dude, I found myself in the grocery store for the eleventy-seventh time that week. It was our turn to host the annual Jacobson family Hanukkah party that night, and twenty-four people were coming….