Do You Know Your Love Language?
No doubt, cutting out construction paper valentines was fun, especially when paired with a cupcake and a nappy. But it taught us the wrong message….
Many Happy Returns Of The Day
Today is my parents’ anniversary. They’ve been married for 52 years, and they still really enjoy each other’s company. This is a video…
a broken knee, a broken heart
Back in August, I walked 5 miles on a really uneven surface. In cowboy boots. I knew I did something dumb almost immediately since both…
The Purrrr-fect Gift
In 2009, around this time of year, we got a dog. The world was white and unbearably cold, and getting a pet seemed like…
Moving Beyond Where I’m From
i’m from a little gray ranch hidden behind overgrown bushes on a steep hill. i’m from beneath the willow tree and a…
Friday Dance Party: A Birthday Dance For Dad
My father’s birthday falls just a few weeks after mine. This year I decided I’m tired of giving him pajamas. This year I’m feeling more creative. This year, I’ve decided to give him a dance.
(Not that kind of dance. That would be creepy.) A symbolic dance. Come see what I mean!
Wordless Wednesday: My Kitty Cat
Tell me about one of your beloved non-human family members….
When Good Intentions Go Wrong
While standing in the checkout line at the grocery store with a full cart, a woman showed up carrying a carton of…
One August
One August, a man I loved tried to kill me. Only he didn’t kill me. Earlier that day, we had gone kite-flying….
The Gift of Magic To My Son Away at Summer Camp
It’s Tech’s birthday. He’s 14 years old today. For those of you who read my blog regularly, you know, he’s not home….