Well, We Almost Made It Through Without Incident
On the last afternoon of my son’s spring vacation, right when his annoyance at me had reached its apex and his blood sugar had bottomed out, I suggested that it might be a good time for him to get a jump start on his next book report. The one that isn’t due until mid- May.
What the "Huck"?
I caught this bit on Huckleberry Finn and “The N-word” debate on 60 Minutes and I about 7 minutes in, I just knew that this report was saying it better than I ever could….
Lessons From An Only Child & Three Dead Fish
While much work has been done to debunk the myth of the weirdo only child, most people still think one is the loneliest number. And, shockingly, strangers continue to ask me, over 10 years after my son was born, when I plan to have another. As if having just one is the worst, most unthinkable thing I could ever do….
Lessons From Mahjong
Recently, my mother-in-law tried to teach me how to play Mahjong. And she showed amazing patience that Sunday afternoon because it didn’t take an Oxford scholar to realize that I was going to suck at Mahjong. Or, rather, that Mahjong was going to kick my ass….
Lessons From 6th Grade Health Class
The other day Monkey came home wanting to know how old I was when I learned about HIV/AIDS. …
How I Tricked My Book Club Into Writing
My neighborhood book club has been going strong for nearly three years. This time I was the host, and (gasp) I made them write….
Lessons on Slowing Down
People often ask me, as a person who has spent nearly twenty years in the classroom, what I think about AP classes. Should their child take this AP or that AP? And they are often surprised by my my response that nobody gives a shit about AP classes. Really….
Lessons on Gray Hair & Karma
It all started when I found a gray hair in my ski helmet….
Lessons From Losing
As a self-admitted, ridiculously competitive parent who wants her child to know how good it can feel to work hard and win, it is my duty to report that my son competed in a fencing competition last weekend….
Lessons on Valentine's Day
Today I shall chronicle some very special Valentine’s Day memories….