A Note to My Father on His 74th Birthday
A quick love note to my father on his 74th birthday….
On Selective Remembering
I love that my son is growing older, growing into the person he will one day become more fully. But there are some things I miss: like our Vulcan mind-meld moments….
Lessons From My Father
This piece was originally posted one year ago on Father’s Day 2010, when I had very few followers. I thought I would post it again this year, in honor of my father. Please note, these items are listed in no apparent order, which will – no doubt – drive my father nuts….
Lessons From Annual Daffodil Day
For the last ten years, my friend and I have taken our sons to the local Daffodil Park on May 1st. I don’t know how it happened, but I missed it this year. Daffodil Day? Not. Even. On. The. Radar….
Lessons From Mahjong
Recently, my mother-in-law tried to teach me how to play Mahjong. And she showed amazing patience that Sunday afternoon because it didn’t take an Oxford scholar to realize that I was going to suck at Mahjong. Or, rather, that Mahjong was going to kick my ass….
Lessons on Valentine's Day
Today I shall chronicle some very special Valentine’s Day memories….
Teacher's Pets: It's Not What You Think
They say some folks are dog people and some are cat people.
Sadly, I guess we are the people who can’t be either….
Lessons From Nan, Who Passed On June 16, 2004
I will always remember Nan, wearing a snazzy pair of purple pants, sitting on the gold couch in my parents’ living room. Just sitting quietly, patiently, watching my brother and me as we made up games or put on little shows. Many years later, she would sit in the same place, doze off an on, awaking with an almost apologetic smile. Agatha Christie once said, “I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable . . . but through it all, I know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” I believe Nan knew this, too….
My Annual Birthday Poem: A Terribly Self-Indulgent, Truly Narcissistic Post
Today is my birthday. I’m um… a year older than I was last year. ;-)…
How Far Would You Go To Protect Your Child
Scenario: You have been notified that your child has been arrested for doing something illegal. Your child has privately admitted to both you and your spouse that he did, in fact, do this thing.
Okay, it’s ethical question moment.
Would you make him accept the consequences, or would you hire the best lawyer you could afford and try to keep him out of trouble? Or is there some kind of middle ground?…