From the moment lifestyle restrictions were deemed necessary in an attempt to “flatten” the infection curve associated with the COVID-19 virus, many…

On Being Excomunicated
“sola” by Alessandro Pinna @ I am trying to understand disappearance. When a person chooses not to communicate, does it mean…

Another Single Sunday Night as a Singleton
• • • It’s Sunday night, and I was just stood up. Again. It’s embarrassing, continually putting yourself out there and getting…

Putting All Our Houses in Order
Tomorrow, the person formerly known as TechSupport (formerly known as Monkey) will be graduating from high school. For about a week, he’s…
BAGGAGE: First Chapter of my Memoir Posted on Patreon
I just posted my first chapter, BAGGAGE, on Patreon. In this piece, I write about early childhood trauma that confused me and made me…
My Mom Was Hot Stuff
My mom is hot stuff in this photograph She’s pretty and has straight teeth. She wears pink hoop earrings and floppy hats….

On Watching My Millennial Son Not Prepare For Senior Prom
Last Sunday, I asked my 17-year old son about his upcoming Senior Prom. I knew he’d roughed out some vague plans to go with…

On Thunderstorms & Children: Reflections on a Rainy May
When my son was a wee thing, still wrapped up like a burrito, every time there was a thunderstorm, I carried him outside…

Letting Go of Love: On Grief and Dirty-Faced Boys
When I was in elementary school, I liked a boy whose face was always a little dirty, a boy who wore corduroys…
Letter to My 12th Grade Son, 3 Months Before He Graduates High School
Dear TechSupport: You used to shout at your friends before playing Capture The Flag. “No burying the flag.” “No jailbreaks.” “My house….