
Letting Go of Love: On Grief and Dirty-Faced Boys
When I was in elementary school, I liked a boy whose face was always a little dirty, a boy who wore corduroys…
The Hairiest Snizz
NOTE: This post is part of the Beauty of a Woman BlogFest VI! To read more entries, and potentially win a fun…
The Truth About Identity Theft: A Cautionary Tale
I tend to operate under the assumption that there are more honest people in the world than dishonest ones. While in Arizona, I learned that con artists walk amongst us, that there are people who get a thrill out of hurting other people, just because they can. I learned that people lie, cheat, and manipulate to get what they want. I made myself vulnerable to this type of attack because I was vulnerable and trusted the wrong people….
Oy Vey! The Matzah Balls!
A few years ago, I did a crap load of cooking. I was preparing for Passover, so I was doing what Jewish mothers do — cooking up a storm. I was Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray and Betty-freaking-Crocker — except the Jewish version.
Moving Beyond Where I’m From
i’m from a little gray ranch hidden behind overgrown bushes on a steep hill. i’m from beneath the willow tree and a…
Warts and Unwelcome Surprises
I was certain I’d contracted the stupid wart during my time spent barefoot on the slippery deck of the middle school swimming…
Cracking Writer’s Block with EMDR
As a child, I was supposed to keep my room neat. My bed needed to be made the moment I awoke each…
Overnight Camp: A Kiss and Tell Account
Summer camp was the best gift my parents ever gave me. At overnight camp, everyone shared clothes, shaving cream, stationery, and secrets….
I Remember Prom
My niece went to Senior Prom with her boyfriend a few weeks ago. As I stood nearby, snapping photos, I was transported back…
My Mother Was Hot Stuff
My mom was hot stuff when I was little. She was pretty and had straight teeth. She wore pink hoop earrings and…