I’m Sorry The US Postal System Wrecked Your Christmas
This is the letter I sent to my niece and nephew after I found out that their Christmas gifts had been lost in the mail. …
A Chat with my 7th Grade Android
Recently, Tech Support has become much more private. About everything. Where my 12-year old son used to willingly spill all the beans at once, now he doles them out in microscopic handfuls. …
Fall Happened Overnight
Fall came late to Rochester this year. Check out this photo and ridiculous vlog of a 24 hour period in Western NY….
Sucked Into Sleazy Halloween Costumes
On Halloween 1999, a mere two months after my son was born, hubby and I decided to go with a “family theme” — you know, because I was about 50 pounds heavier than I was accustomed to weighing. It seemed like a good idea at the time….
What Not To Read When Your Child's Fish Tank Has Ich
We are great with houseplants and lawn maintenance. My husband can grow a mean tomato. But pets? Not so much….
The Day Flannery O'Connor Screwed Me
Someone really smart once said, “Kids seldom misquote; in fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said.” That person might actually have been sitting in my classroom the day I taught Flannery O’Connor’s short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” to a bunch of 11th graders….
Duplicates Disease
A little while ago I received my roster for my fall Comp-101 writing class. I scored a great building. But my roster is not to be believed! Check this out!…
Spot Check
I’m kicking off Wednesday #TWITS: a fancy-schmancy acronym for Teachers Whom I Think Scored / Teachers Whom I think Sucked. It only took me six bajillion hours to think up that one. So here is my middle school memory about one very specific moment. Obviously, I have changed the teacher’s name….