Benzo Withdrawal

Finding Humility at the NY State Fair
My family went to the New York State Fair every summer. We visited The Dairy Building to check out the enormous butter…

The State of Undress Project: A Longterm Art Endeavor
I’m excited to announce that I’ve found a way to unify my passion for combining words and art in an effort to inspire others. The State of Undress Project, which — when complete — will feature 18 paintings of women of every age, color, and social class. To be part of “The State of Undress Project”, women must be able to articulate an invisible obstacle they have overcome (or that they are actively working on) and be willing to frame this challenge as a strength. They must be willing to pose in some state of undress – lingerie or bathing suit, or slip (of their choosing) — and have their likeness painted as an impressionistic piece of art. …
My Video for #WorldBenzoDay
Today is World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day. This is my contribution. Note: I should have probably taken a moment to think about dressing up,…

Signs From The Universe
Many years ago, I inherited one of my grandmother’s plants: a heavy pot of thick roots and tens of long, robust green…
Oy Vey! The Matzah Balls!
A few years ago, I did a crap load of cooking. I was preparing for Passover, so I was doing what Jewish mothers do — cooking up a storm. I was Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray and Betty-freaking-Crocker — except the Jewish version.
Why Was I Spared?
Every day I speak to people who are going thru the horrifying post-acute withdrawal experience that I am going through, and I’m just…overwhelmed. Many people kill themselves in withdrawal. Why did G-d spare me? What do I do with this gift of life?…
Challenging Status Quo: #PharmaHarmed
When you’re injured, it’s difficult to pay attention to anything, except your pain.
Pain makes it hard to concentrate.
Hard to take on the responsibilities associated with a full-time job.
Hard to do house work.
Hard to be a mom.
Hard to smile….
Thirty Months Off
Amazingly, I no longer suffer from debilitating muscle spasms or brain zaps. In fact, most of my physical symptoms have disappeared. …
Limping Back to Life
It is said that each year on Rosh Hashanah, “all inhabitants of the world pass before G‑d like a flock of sheep,”…
Morphing From Writer to Painter
Over the last few months my creative muse has reappeared, pulling me away from writing, away from my busy mind, which likes to think and dwell and ruminate. These days, my muse wants me to paint, which is cool because when I paint, I can turn off my mind and have fun getting messy with color….