renée a. schuls-jacobson
When "Neighborly" Doesn't Work
Given my solid track record in easily making new friends wherever I have lived, it never occurred to me that I might make enemies. …
'Sup With Grammar in America
The other day I was in the grocery store when I distinctly heard a woman declare, “I should of gotten a salad.”
Should of?
Should of is the equivalent of fingernails on the chalkboard for English teachers.
I believe the person meant to say, “I should have made a better lunch choice instead of opting for these nasty, greasy chicken wings.”…
School Is Not the Time To Make Friends
In 1976, we had so many opportunities to practice civility. It was okay to have a little chitter-chatter time built into our day. The classroom was where we learned our academics, but we also practiced our social skills. These days, I would imagine that most administrators would tell parents that there is simply not time for idle chitter-chatter. In fact, a few years ago an administrator told me that “school is not the place for children to make friends.” She argued that kids needed to get involved in extra-curricular activities to make friendships. That teachers needed to make the most of classroom time to prepare their students for standardized tests. That teachers have more to teach than ever.
In 2010, I would argue “the civility piece” has fallen out of the curriculum — along with idle time….
Friday Quickie #13: Caption This Photo
How do you react when you see this picture? What would the caption read?…
I Hit a Wall
I fell down an entire flight of cement stairs, hit my head really hard, and I think I actually suffered a slight concussion. I’m okay now, but I don’t want to do that again. Picture me in my sassy, short skirt and tall boots with black stockings. I’m looking very professional and confident and competent when, suddenly, I miss a step and I am rolling head over heels down down down about 12 steps where I proceed to slam into the wall (somehow) face-first. Amazingly, I never let go of my rolling bag with my gradebook. I hit my head really hard, and I think I actually suffered a slight concussion. I’m okay now. (What do you mean I am repeating myself?) Plus the plagiarism stuff has left me exhausted. (Did I say that already? I think I might have said that.) …
Sucked Into Slutty Halloween Costumes
For those of you who don’t know me (and for those of you who do, before I am accused of being a total hypocrite), I have to confess, I’m kind of known for displaying my inner slut on Halloween. Hubby and I like to throw costume parties every few years and I have been a naughty teacher (typecast?), a St. Pauli Girl, a French Maid, a slutty pirate girl. Once I wore a really short toga. A. Really. Short. Toga. …
Teens Leavin' On a Jet Plane
In 1985, when I was a senior in high school, my parents allowed me to go on Spring Break to Ft. Lauderdale with my four closest friends. We flew on (the now defunct) People’s Express for $39 each way. (I know this because I still have the ticket stubs in my old scrapbook.) We stayed in a completely unfurnished condo, some of us sleeping two to a bed; we shopped and prepared an amazing spaghetti dinner which we cooked for ourselves (careful to put placemats on the floor so as not to get sauce on the new carpet). Now, we were “good girls,” so we didn’t get into too much trouble — but we did do some things that I am kinda sure our parents would have deemed questionable. (I will not post the evidence here.) I will simply ask:
If your high school-aged child asked if he/she could go and spend a week in Florida with friends — without any adult supervision, what would your answer be?…
Nabbed a Cheater!
I just busted someone for crazy, overt plagiarism.
I hate this part. I hate this part. I hate this part. I hate this part of being a teacher.
My thought is to have The Despicable One take a look at his paper and a copy of the Plagiarism Contract which he signed earlier in the semester and write me a letter explaining why he thinks I am having him review this document (thus having HIM document the offense). When he is done writing, I would listen to what he has to say and explain to him how serious an offense this is. We’re talking honesty here: Integrity. Basic values which everyone agrees seem to be on the decline….
Should Kids Be Using Cell Phones? Should Any of Us?
I knew a child who wouldn’t stop asking her mother to buy her a cell phone. Daily, this kid was working her…
Making Peace With Reading Glasses
I have to admit, I feel notably less sexy with my glasses on. I’m sorry, but it is true. I would rather look smokin’ hot in my red dress and stumble into the dessert table at somebody’s wedding than wear my glasses. And I don’t need them for distance, so I can’t wear contact lenses — and I am not a good candidate for LASIK, so you can stop right there with those suggestions. I am simply a latent hyperope. There is nothing for me right now except readers….