renée a. schuls-jacobson
I'm a Guest Blogger Today
Today, I wrote about something completely unrelated to teaching or parenting; I wrote about my crazy, irrational love for “bad boy” movies….
I Tip For Great Grammar
Once a month, I bop into a fabulous little joint called Massage Envy. It’s an awesome place where a girl (or guy) can go to get a relaxing massage for a reasonable price! Anyway, the one in my area just so happens to be located about 4 minutes from my house. So. Convenient. How could I say no to a one year commitment? I couldn’t. …
Let Them Eat Pi
Did you know that today is Pi day? Well, it is. Here’s how I found out….
Does Size Matter?
For the first time in my life, I plan to attend a Budget meeting for my local school district, set for March 14, 2011. Why? It is my understanding that in my district no one attends these meetings, and I’d like to understand the process by which these cuts will be made….
Lessons From The Great Gatsby
I just found out The Sands Point, Long Island mansion that is said to be author F. Scott Fitzgerald’s inspiration for his legendary novel The Great Gatsby is about to be demolished. And I am devastated….
How I Tricked My Book Club Into Writing
My neighborhood book club has been going strong for nearly three years. This time I was the host, and (gasp) I made them write….
Lessons From Jon Stewart
I friggin’ love Jon Stewart. He does snarky right. Instead of ending tax cuts to the top two percent, America – apparently – needs to get money from teachers….
Lessons on Slowing Down
People often ask me, as a person who has spent nearly twenty years in the classroom, what I think about AP classes. Should their child take this AP or that AP? And they are often surprised by my my response that nobody gives a shit about AP classes. Really….
NYS Grads Ain't Reddy For College
This is the kind of news story that makes me sad. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: It’s a rough time to be in education….
To Kindle or Nook? That Was The Question.
So you remember how I blogged about how I couldn’t decide which e-device to go with. Well, I decided….