renée a. schuls-jacobson
Lessons From Annual Daffodil Day
For the last ten years, my friend and I have taken our sons to the local Daffodil Park on May 1st. I don’t know how it happened, but I missed it this year. Daffodil Day? Not. Even. On. The. Radar….
Guest Post by Eric Rumsey: A Wanna-Be Teacher Bubbles From The Back-Burner
Today’s guest post is by Eric Rumsey from the blog I Swear We’re Not Crazy. Some of you may know of him…
Call Me Relentless
Back in March, I received an email from The Scheduler at the community college where I have taught as an adjunct for the last four years, stating that it was time to start thinking about courses for the fall. Let’s just say I was a little geeked up when The Scheduler’s email arrived, so I tapped out a quick reply. Upon reflection, I see that if I had myself as a student, I think I would kill me. …
Now About That Winner
I am thrilled to announce that the fabulous Julie C. Gardner author of the blog By Any Other Name was the person…
The Day After My One Year Blogoversary!
Wow, I am hungover. Last night, I went out and partied hard. Why? Well, yesterday was my blogoversary!…
Friday Quick Question: Should We Pet Dead Squeyls?
The other day I saw a sign that read: “Free Babies Clinic.” Which I thought was weird. It was a warm day, and I imagined folks handing out babies like ice cream cones. What exactly is going on? I wondered. But as I got closer, I saw that the sign was actually advertising a “Free Rabies Clinic,” which made me wonder: Are we giving people rabies these days? And who would want that? Even for free?…
Stupid Stuff Kids Do – Lord Love 'Em
Every once in a while, Monkey will do something that really makes me mad. He’ll tap things, even though he knows I can’t stand repetitive tapping. Or he’ll leave his cup sitting on the kitchen counter. (And, no, I don’t mean the cup you drink out of.) But this takes the cake….
What The Huh?
Seems we have to teach our children about how it is necessary to use different language to communicate to different audiences. About when it is appropriate to abbreviate and when it is necessary to use a more formal tone, proper grammar, and a spell checker. About when to use and refrain from using emoticons. Today’s “screenagers” don’t get it….