renée a. schuls-jacobson
From Zhaghzhagh to Arborcade
Today marks the beginning of a new feature for me: Made-It-Up Mondays. On Mondays, I am going to throw you a 100% made-up word and ask you to a) define the word, and b) then use the word in a sentence that indicates how the word could be used. What inspired this? Well, I’ll tell you….
Roots & Wings
Way back in December, a brochure made its way into my house advertising a summer kids’ camp at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Monkey read it hungrily and announced that he really wanted to take a computer programming class….
Hard Ass by Jessica Buttram #twits
He came to teach at my high school my junior year. The summer before school started, we received a letter in the mail from him with a list of reading material, as well as our first writing assignment, to be turned in on the first day. What? I had attended an academically advanced school since sixth grade, and, though we had summer reading lists, not once did I have to write a paper when I should have been working on my tan lines….
Gazpacho for Muchacho
A few days ago our family was eating dinner. It was a warm, breezy summer night and we were having our supper outside at our heavy black wrought-iron table, under our umbrella in the backyard. It was a light meal: a little bread, some cheese and fresh fruit. And gazpacho….
Duplicates Disease
A little while ago I received my roster for my fall Comp-101 writing class. I scored a great building. But my roster is not to be believed! Check this out!…
What Makes You Purr?
I just saw this video, and I had to share it. Along with a few other things that make me purr. I…
Spot Check
I’m kicking off Wednesday #TWITS: a fancy-schmancy acronym for Teachers Whom I Think Scored / Teachers Whom I think Sucked. It only took me six bajillion hours to think up that one. So here is my middle school memory about one very specific moment. Obviously, I have changed the teacher’s name….
Lessons From The Sludge
Summertime makes me think of all the food and music festivals I’ve enjoyed over the years. I recall one particularly soggy Jazz & Heritage Festival in New Orleans, especially. Where I waited 30 minutes and to eat a $15 crabmeat Po’ boy….
Teachers Who Sucked vs. Teachers Who Scored
Back in May, I realized my fall 2011 semester was going to be hectic, so I asked a bunch of people to consider helping me out by writing about a memory of a favorite (or not so favorite) teacher who helped them learn something about themselves or the world. Because everyone has a favorite teacher, right? And, let’s face it, even the bad ones taught us something….
When Writers Meltdown
Not too long ago, I lost it. I mean, I totally lost it. And it should be noted, the people at Best Buy tried to help me decide between the Canon and the Nikon; I just kept crying. It was one helluva performance. Except it wasn’t a performance….