renée a. schuls-jacobson
The Hybrid Accent
I’ve spent most of my life above the Mason-Dixon line, but you would be amazed how five short years in N’awlins got all up in this East Coast girl’s upbringing and influenced my dialect!…
Sunday Love
I’ve decided to become Lawrence Welk, and today I’m pulling some people into the spotlight. I hope you’ll check out a few of the amazing posts that showed up this week….
L'il Miss Attitude
Every year, I study my new class rosters and practice saying the names aloud so I don’t sound like a total dork on the first day. One year, I was feeling pretty good until I came to one particular name. I didn’t know what to do with it. And I certainly didn’t expect the interaction that followed….
The Power of a Swift Kick #twits
I took my daughter to school one morning last spring. Like most middle school girls, she’s convinced my mission in life is to embarrass her, and I take my work seriously. It’s not enough that I walked through the school doors pronouncing that Miley Cyrus looks like a two-bit hooker on Discount Day in one of her videos. No. I even talked to my daughter’s classmates. . . ….
Today I am continuing with my new feature: Made-It-Up Mondays. I am throwing out a 100% made-up word and asking you to a) define the word, and b) then use the word in a sentence that indicates how the word could be used. C’mon. Play along….
My Son's First Concert
When my husband first suggested we take our son to see Steely Dan, live, in concert, I tried to gently suggest it might be a bad idea. “He’ll love it,” Hubby insisted, in that clueless way that husbands sometimes insist on things. What he really meant was: “I want to see Steely Dan in concert.”…
Read The Books by Steve Hess #twits
My guest writer today is Steven Hess. He is a bit of a rabble-rouser. He is a smarty-pants who speaks his mind. I rather love this about him. Over the last year, I’ve learned that Steven writes well, too. So I knew I had to get a piece of that action. Enjoy….
The Day I Got It All Wrong
When I teach, I come to class prepared. In fact, I sometimes come to class with a Plan A, Plan B and an Emergency Back-Up Plan. I think this stems from the days when I didn’t exactly know what I was doing….
Kite Drowning at Deb Bryan's Today
I am guest posting at Deborah Bryan’s place today. She’s The Monster in Your Closet. Come read me there!…
A Different Kind Of Punishment #twits
Save Sprinkles is my guest blogger today. And she is writing about her memory of her fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Larson….