renée a. schuls-jacobson
How Could We Have Known?
This piece was written for Galit Breen and Alison who asked us to share our “Memories Captured” on film and write about them. My son has never allowed me to put his face on my blog. Today, he gave me his permission….
I'm Going To Do a Book
I have been writing a manuscript for almost 8 years. When I write that sentence, it is only slightly less embarrassing than when I say it out loud. Some writers pop out books every other year. Not me….
One Way to Start the Day
This is the saddest video I have ever seen by the bravest kid I have never met. I cannot stop weeping. …
I'm in Tennessee Today
Are you a namby-pamby pushover or an authoritarian dictator? Which do you think I am? Go ahead. Judge me. I can take it. Probably….
No More Bad Hair Days
In the days before mousse and gel and other hair care products, I used to pray to G-d to make my horrible curls go away….
My Cat-Eye Glasses
When I was in elementary school, I had a really good friend named Andra. We did everything the same. We dressed the…
Lessons From Mrs. Gurney: Guest Post by Penny Thoyts
My guest writer today is Penny Thoyts. She’s bopped over from across the pond to tell us about her favourite teacher, Mrs. Gurney….
What the Deuce is Fongutter?
Today we continue with Made-It-Up Mondays where I throw out a 100% made-up word and ask you to: define the word, provide its part of speech, and use the word in a sentence that indicates how the word could be used. If it were a real word. …
Sex, Avoidance & Facebook: A Twist on Gratitude
Ever since he was really little, Tech Support has chosen to ask me the tough questions when we are in the car. …
The Good, the Bad & the Naughty: Guest Post by Paul Waters
My guest blogger today is Paul Waters, the snappy brain behind the lovely blog called blackwatertown. Paul went off-roading a bit and instead of writing about just one teacher memory, he wrote about a few: one good, one bad, and one naughty. Half the fun is in figuring out which is who. …