renée a. schuls-jacobson
The Last of the Handwritten Letters!
The final entries in the Write-A-Letter-To-My-Son-While-He’s-At-Summer-Camp-Contest will, no doubt, tickle my boy’s funny-bone — although in profoundly different ways. The first letter…
4 #SoWrong Moments by Steve Warner
I stumbled on Steve from Brown Road Chronicles nearly 2 years ago when I saw a funny comment he’d left on someone…
The Gift of Magic To My Son Away at Summer Camp
It’s Tech’s birthday. He’s 14 years old today. For those of you who read my blog regularly, you know, he’s not home….
5 Things I Remembered About My Husband
1. He Has Shpilkes. What? You don’t know Yiddish? Don’t worry; I’ll help you. The dictionary defines “shpilkes” as sitting on pins…
Handwritten Letters From Clay Watkins and Other Folks!
Guess what everyone? My mailbox has been flooded with letters from readers, so I’m bundling a few together or I’ll end up…
Incident on a Plane
At the end of the flight, two boys sitting one row apart stood up and discovered each other. Neither of them could…
Handwritten Letters From Naomi, Daile and Pleun
Three deliciously yummy letters arrived from exotic places last week: entries in this summer’s Write-My-Kid-a-Handwritten-Letter-While-He’s-At Overnight-Camp Contest. The first letter came from Australia…
Mid-Summer Sunday Report
Two weeks ago, Hubby and I attended Visitor’s Day at our son’s camp. Eager to see us, Tech waved his long arm…
Rivki’s Old Fashioned Letter
Y’all, I’ve forwarded another stunning letter to my son in summer camp in the “Write My Kid an Old-Fashioned Letter” Contest! This…
Cracking Writer’s Block with EMDR
As a child, I was supposed to keep my room neat. My bed needed to be made the moment I awoke each…