renée a. schuls-jacobson
Berries on the Vine: Wordless Wednesday
Passing by, I couldn’t help but notice the delicate blue berries and their red stems. What’s caught your attention lately? tweet me @rasjacobson…
GIVE – a 4×4 canvas – just $25
This year I promised to spend more time cultivating relationships with people who bring me happiness and less time with negative and/or rude individuals. I’ve tolerated that for…
What I Wore – Accessories
Happy New Year, everyone! It’s cold outside today, so I turned to a favorite scarf to wear over a plain ole black peplum…
Barbie Doll Ball: Wordless Wednesday
Today, these gals got all gussied up, sprinkling themselves with fairy tale magic in an effort to kick off 2015 right. So where should…
What I Wore
Here is my first post in what will hopefully become a series of fun “What She Wore” posts.) And I promise that no matter what I’m wearing (or not wearing), I’ll post it here….
Gingerbread House Rules: Wordless Wednesday
We’ve never decorated a gingerbread house before so we don’t know the rules….
Candle 8: #Hanukkah Hoopla
Well, it’s the last night, and Monica Gebell of Aprons and Blazers writes about “Light.” Ahhhhh. Comments are closed here, but leave Monica…
Candle 7: #Hanukkah Hoopla
This year, Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr writes about “Attunement.” Comments are closed here, but leave comments at The Messy Life for a chance…
Candle 6: #Hanukkah Hoopla
Check out Rebecca Klempner’s piece “Ready For a Little Hanukkah Hoopla” Comments are closed here, but leave Rebecca a comment for a chance to…
Candle 5: #Hanukkah Hoopla
Ever wonder what it’s like to celebrate Hanukkah? Read Tikva Kennedy’s piece “Hanukkah Without a Christmas Tree.” Good stuff! Comments are closed…