Are You Brand Loyal?
I’m probably the most brand loyal person out there.
I’ve been using the same deodorant for the last twenty years. {Thank you, Secret, for being strong enough for a man. Because sometimes I smell like one.}
Everyone knows I only drink Canada Dry Ginger Ale. {Don’t try to slip me any of that store brand stuff. I can totally tell.}
What can I say? When I find something that works, I stick with it.
As my longtime readers know, I have a love-hate relationship with my hair.
Despite the fact that I have stretched and pulled it, given myself deep conditioning treatments, and slept in bandanas in an attempt to give myself straight, swingy hair, I have the kind of follicles that morph into a frizzy pyramid if combed or touched.

In 1985, I fell in love with a hair care product.
You guys, they are discontinuing it.
Want to know what I’ve been doing since I heard the news?
Click over to Jess Witkins’ blog to find out the rest of the story. Be prepared to tell me about products you have loved and lost.
tweet us @rasjacobson & @jesswitkins