I’ve finalized my Fall schedule for 2021, and I wanted to let you know what’s going on and where you can find me over the next few months.
Book sales for PSYCHIATRIZED have continued to be strong. If you haven’t purchased your copy of my memoir yet, you can get it HERE.
So far, 55 people have sent me photos of themselves holding my book for me to post on my social media pages! I *really* appreciate this! And if you’d like to be part of the fun, all you have to do is take a selfie (with book) and send it to me! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
I also wanted to mention that I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to leave me an Amazon review about the book. This is incredibly helpful for indie authors, as it helps to gain exposure.
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This Wednesday, I’m starting to work on the audiobook version of PSYCHIATRIZED with Scott W. Fitzgerald of ROC VOX Recording & Production. I’m very excited about this endeavor. I know that when I was sick, it was very difficult (and sometimes impossible) for me to read. Hopefully, an audiobook will provide an addition option for people who’d rather listen than read.
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Sunday, October 3, 2021
8219 Marketplace, Building #10
Manlius, NY
This Sunday, I’ll be in Manlius, New York for my BOOK LAUNCH! I’ll be talking about my experience of healing after longterm prescription benzodiazepine use. Those of you who have read my book know that when I was at my lowest low, a woman named Renee McLain brought me home with her and took care of me for an extended period of time.
Many people have asked if I was imagining Renee, if she was real or a figment of my imagination.
The answer is, of course, she’s real!
Renee McLain happens to be the owner of Center of Grace Wellness Center in Manlius, New York, which is where my first book talk will take place! Renee will be at the venue and, after I speak, she will talk about what she does to help people to release repressed trauma(s). After the presentation, I’ll be signing books, and there will be a curated selection of my artwork for people to purchase. There will also be a small reception after the presentation for folks to enjoy.
To reserve your seat(s) HERE — or call BJ at Center of Grace at 607-227-3878. Seating is limited, so be sure to RSVP.
PSYCHIATRIZED: Waking Up After a Decade of Bad Medicine
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Hillel Community Day School
191 Fairfield Drive
Rochester, NY • 6:30 – 8:30pm
I’ll be talking about my experience of healing after longterm prescription benzodiazepine use. Renee McLain will be present to talk about Somato Respiro Integration, and (finger-crossed), I’m hoping that my former therapist Vickijo Campanaro will be in attendance, too. After the presentation, I’ll sign books, and there will be a curated selection of my artwork for people to purchase. For more details about the event and to reserve your seat(s) HERE. Seating is limited, so be sure to RSVP.
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If you’d like to join me Wednesday nights for my ZOOM ART CLASS for ADULTS, a small group of us meet weekly from 7-8:30PM EST. People can sign up for a month at a time or for the next three months. These classes are no pressure, and they are designed for connection and relaxation. For more information & details about supplies, click HERE.
And if you’d like to see an example of the kinds of things we do, click HERE.
Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler temperatures!
That’s awesome!!
I am so sorry I already missed the first June class! What is the topic for June? For July?